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WARNING: self-harm occurs in this chapter. For those who don't like blood or these scenes in general I'll warn you before it starts and when it ends


It was now Friday, one day after I heard my brother and one of my best friends fucking. It was a few hours ago but you know what I mean.

I woke up when the sun shined on my face, and heard birds chirping.

Feeling someone squeezing my hip, I yawned and turned around to see Hunter already looking at me.

"That's creepy don't do it" I snored and put a hand on his face to close his eyes

His chuckle bring a smile to my face as I removed my hand from his face to see it

We stared at each other for a few more seconds before his eyes fell on my lips. I breathed in heavily and parted my lips to look into his own.

His face was just beautiful. The sun shined on his sharp jawline and into his dark brown eyes. He had a little one-day hair on his chin and jaw but it just made him more attractive.

I saw him lick his lips before he put his hand on my hip and bring me closer. My breath hitched as I put my hand on his cheek and looked at his soft lips

He started to lean in and so did I. We were just a few inches from each other when I heard a door open. I quickly pulled away from Hunter and looked with wide eyes at the door and the person who opened them.

To my misfortune there stood Asher with his face hard as a stone

The three of us looked at each other before Asher slammed the door shut and stormed out of the room

"Fuck" I groaned and stood up. I pick up Hunter's t-shirt and some of his sweatpants before running after my brother

"Ash!" I yelled as I saw him closing the backyard door. I ignored my friends staring at us and open the door before slamming it after me and running after Asher who was now fast-walking on the beach

"Asher!" I shouted and felt tears in my eyes. I hate it when my brother ignores me it just makes me weaker than I already am

"Ash please!" I cried out loud and fell to my knees

I saw his blurry body stop walking as he turned around and saw my wet face

I wipe my tears and sobbed before his tall figure started walking toward me

"Why are you crying?!" He raised his voice at me and stand me up my holding me by my armpits

"You know I hate it when you ignore me like that" I sobbed and tried to look at him with my legs weak to even stand straight

"You are crying all the time, Daisy. Do you know that? You are so weak" He said into my face and let go of my hands which caused me to fall again and stormed back into the house leaving me there, kneeling in the sand crying my eyes out

He's right, I'm weak as a little girl. Everything can make me cry even little things. I was always like that when I was little and what? I don't know how to control it okay? I just can't. I'm weak as fuck I know and I'm trying to be stronger but it's harder than it sounds

I stood up after a few seconds and with my wet eyes I decided to go back to the house and calm myself down

I ignored everyone again and skipped up the stairs before closing the door to my room and walking into the bathroom

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