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"Alright, Mason, truth or dare," Bell asked and smirked at him

"Dare," He said in a duh tone and glared at her like she asked the dumbest thing in the word

"Okay, read out the last dirty text you sent" Bell smirked at Mase as he picked up his phone and scrolled through it

"Last one?" He sighed and looked up at B

She nodded and smirked

"The last dirty text I sent was to Emily" He mumbled and scroll through his phone more down

Emily is his ex we talked about a while ago. They were so cute together but when Mase found out that she cheated on him, he broke up with her and was a complete mess. We helped him to be okay and forget about her

"Okay I'm changing the dare," Bell said quickly and took a phone from Mase's hand before he could open their conversation "I dare you to remove four items of clothing" B smirked at him as he sighed and stood up

He took off his shoes, socks, sweatshirt, and t-shirt. I saw Holy staring at him and holding my laughter. She saw me staring and immediately looked at the floor with a blush on her face. They would look good together

"Dais, truth or dare," Asher asked me and I snapped my head in his direction. Shouldn't Mase ask me? Nevermind

"Um, dare" I said nervously, he's my brother and I never know what he'd ask me

"Kiss someone in this room" Ash eyed me suspiciously. Is this some kind of test? Because I don't want to lose. Does he know about the kiss between me and Mason?

I stood up and eyed everyone in the room before my gaze fell on one person everyone watched me closely before I kneeled in front of the person

I smirked at Asher who was on my left and kissed Holy on her mouth

Everyone in the room gasped while we continued kissing. This is the first time I kissed a girl and probably the last time too. Let's just say that I'm 100% not into girls

When I pulled away, we both smirked at each other, and then I stood up and sat at my usual spot next to Hunter and Jess

"satisfied?" I raised my brow at my brother who rolled his eyes at me

"You could kiss someone on the cheek," He said under his breath

"Hunter truth or dare?" I look at him while he smirked

"Dare. Of course" He said in a duh tome

"Alright. umm...empty your wallet and show everyone what's inside" I grinned at him while he rolled his eyes and stood up

"Such a lame dare" He teased and smirked at me

When he finally find his wallet and sat next to me again, he opened it and started to take out the items he had there

There were some money, cents, a fish scale, few condoms, of course. He also took out a photo of a woman which I expect to be his mom but at one moment, he stopped moving and looked at the wallet before closing it

"Yep, that's it" he fake smiled at me with his lips in a thin line

"No, it's not. Why did you suddenly stop? There is definitely something" I frowned and took a wallet from his hand unexpectedly and stood up so he can't take it back from me and looked inside his wallet.

"Daisy, don't" He stood up too and wanted to take it from me but I run away.

There wasn't anything in the biggest pocket. I unzipped a hidden little pocket and saw a little white paper lying there. I held it in between my thumb and index but before I could take it out, Hunter took a wallet from my hand. At least the luck was on my side as the paper stayed in my hand

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