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I slowly made my way down the stairs and realized it was already 10 am. At what time did I go to sleep? I didn't sleep for 10 hours, did I?

I managed to cover the hickeys with the makeup I had and covered it with my shirt too.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw everyone talking and laughing at something Georgia said. I catch a look from Hunter but quickly looked away. I still remember what I saw yesterday at the party and I'm not going to forget about it anytime soon

"Hey," I said as they all looked at me, observing me in some kind of way. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at them confused "what's up?"

"How's your first hangover, you seem good," Theo said as he looked at me. I looked around at the rest of the group and saw Bell holding her head with her eyes closed. Oh thank god I don't feel like that

"I had just two drinks right? Nothing serious" I said like it was nothing and reached for my cereals

"Oh, so you kissing the guy at the party was nothing serious?" Cole teased and I shoot my head in his direction. I what?

"I did what?" I widened my eyes and looked at Hunter's kind of disappointed face? Why does he look disappointed? I am the one who doesn't remember anything from yesterday

"Yeah, you saw me coming and jumped on the guy like it was some kind of meat" Hunter chuckled at me

"I did that?" I questioned myself

"I had to ride you home and the rest had to ride just in one car. I still can't believe you made it home guys" he laughed at our friends

"So I just kissed a guy? Nothing more?" I asked curiously and touched my neck

"Nope, nothing more," he said through gritted teeth. Okay then...

"Alright," I said confused

If I just kiss the guy at the party, who the fuck gave me those hickeys I don't get it

After breakfast, I went back to my room and decided to watch some movies on my laptop

Halfway through the movie, the door to my room opened revealing Hunter with his eyes looking at the ground

"I probably should tell you something" he mumbled and closed the door behind him

"A-alright?" I furrowed my eyebrows and close the laptop while sitting up "what's up?" I asked and patted a spot on my bed

"Yeah, so.... yesterday" he cleared his throat as I listened to him closely "we kind of fought in the car and you being drunk for the first time you kissed me..." He stopped to look into my face

I looked blank at him. I couldn't even see something

"I didn't kiss you back but you confess your feelings for me and we kind of made out in your room. That's why you have those hickeys. You wanted to have sex with me but before you could do anything I left your room to control myself" he pressed his lips into a thin line after he finished the story

"Y-you..m- what?" I stood up and look at him shocked "what exactly did I tell you?" I crossed my hands over my chest and looked into his eyes

"That you like me" he mumbled as I groaned. What the fuck? Why would I tell him that? I wouldn't in life confess my feelings to someone

"W-why did you even kiss me when you knew that I'm drunk?!" I shouted at him and waved my hands in the air like a fool

"I don't know I was drunk too okay? I don't know why I did it!"

good girls always fall for bad boysDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora