Chapter 27: "Don't fuck it up."

Start from the beginning

The King put a weary smile, "you know that I had to do this, right?"

"You had to; I don't."

"I know, honey, but this has to happen. I know about your dream to explore the world, but you need to know your place."

"To give all of myself to a stranger? No father. I don't want to."

The King sighed, "you'll soon understand," the king stood up and left Aurora alone. Aurora felt overwhelmed by the short visit by the king. Aurora went by her make-up table and started to break down, "God, please stop," she muttered to herself.

Then the music started—Andromeda by Wayes Blood.

"Andromeda's a big, wide open galaxy

Nothing in it for me except a heart that's lazy

Running from my own life now

I'm really turning some time

Looking up to the sky for something I may never find"

The room blackened, and the only light that turned on was above Aurora.

"Stop calling

It's time to let me be

If you think you can save me

I'd dare you to try."

Thinking that God would send someone to save her from her ordeal was a joke. Aurora wiped her tears and went back to her bed, praying that God actually would send someone to save her.

Then the stage blackened.

* Scene 2: At the garden

Aurora went to the garden and sat on a bench to read her novel. As she reads every sentence in her book, she keeps thinking about how the king has controlled her life.

She groaned and shuffled her hair. She threw the book, but someone caught it, "Whoa, princess. You shouldn't be throwing your book like that."

Aurora looks up to see her gardener, holding the book that she had thrown and a hedge shear on his left. Aurora stood up and approached the boy, "I'm sorry. I'm in a tight spot right now."

Philip is a handsome boy, but sadly he's just a Gardner. The tall man stood in front of the princess, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What's wrong?" Philips asked as he returned the book to Aurora.

"My father asked me to marry Prince Leo, and I don't want to be with a stranger," Aurora said and pouted. She sat back on the bench, "I feel like no one acknowledged me. They wouldn't even listen to my decline."

"What? How could they," Philips said as he put his hand on his chest in disbelief

"They you're talking about is the king. Of course, they could," Aurora said.

"I'll tell you something, princess," Philips took her hand and walked her around the stage as the music started. A lot's Gonna Change by Weyes Blood.

"If I could go back to a time before now

Before I ever fell down

I'd go back to a time when I was just a boy

When I had the whole world

Gently wrapped around me."

Philips looked over at Aurora, which made her blush.

"And no good thing could be taken away

If I still believe that hearts don't lie

You're gonna be just fine."

Philips puts a genuine smile on his face.

"But, babe"

Philips stopped and looked Aurora in the eyes.

"A lot's gonna change

In your lifetime."

Philipa stood up on the end of the fountain, and he clenched his fist and, taking it in front of his chest,

"Try to leave it all behind"

Philipa jumped down and took Aurora's hand for the second time,

"In your lifetime."

Aurora looked away from Philips and spoke, "I- I can't. Why would you think of that?"

"Because things that you think is a bad thing, maybe good. I mean, you can give it a chance, and you're going to be just fine," Philips replied, "if everything went downhill. The king wouldn't dare to see you on edge like that."

"You think so?" Aurora asks. She wouldn't think anybody would understand.

"Of course, princess," Philips said.


The play is something like broadway-ish / theater-ish (Honestly i have no idea the difference between those two). The music wont be fully sang (just some parts)

Oh and, I want to explain why did i stopped (the first song [Andromeda by Weyes Blood]) on the first chorus because according to Genius, the lyrics means,

"She is asking for the world, or God, to stop sending her signs due to the futility of its message. She wants to be left alone because their attempts of saving her will not work. This is also indicative of her wavering faith."

I just want you to understand :) anyway, don't forget to vote! (Please, if you think Joy's play is sucks, it meant that way or whatever it's just the sake of the plot)


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