Start from the beginning

I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, with my arms placed at the back of my head, totally bored.

I sighed, and began to play with my fingers.

Sharon was busy watching TV down in the living room, and I didn't feel like it. I had hoped to take a nap and fall asleep once my room becomes quiet, but nope, it only made me more bored, and grew the desire to do something.

A week's passed since our group project, and it was quite okay. Our second scene was taken from the famous Romeo and Juliet play, and our teacher was really impressed by our work.

The annoying part was, she didn't even inform of us how she graded the project.

I sighed again and continued to stare at the ceiling, and slowly, my thoughts drifted back to our rehearsal last week Tuesday.

"Thanks a lot. You're not such a bad person after all."

A smile crept on my face thinking about how obsessed I was with just two sentences that was let out of a person's mouth.

It brought me great joy, knowing that Ann and I were in good terms now. She doesn't think I'm some kind of bloodshot eyed, armless, creepy creature that appears in her nightmares anymore, and I hope she still doesn't believe I'm the person who sends those creepy letters to her.

We were on the verge of being friends and it gladdened my heart thinking of the possibility that Ann and I would be close friends again.

It's probably wierd for a guy to have this much desire for friendship, but I don't care.

Besides Sharon, Ann was my only friend and the only kid who didn't give a thought about what others thought of me when I was about five to six years old, it felt really nice being loved and wanted.

Our friendship meant and still does mean so much to me.

She means so much to me.

I stared at my phone laying beside me and sat up immediately.

I should call her.

I dialed her number, hoping she would pick the call. I watched as the word ringing kept displaying on the phone screen, until unfortunately, it stopped, and the screen turned black again.

I dialed her number the second time, and few seconds later, she picked up. I smiled widely as I opened my mouth to speak.

"Hi Ejiro." I said.

"Hey." She said. I could hear laughing and kissing sounds at the background and I raised a brow, knowing fully well she couldn't see me.

"Uum, am I interrupting something?". Suddenly, the laughter grew louder and I immediately recognized that as Hannah's voice.

"No." Ann said.

Next, I heard muffles and loud noises, and all of a sudden, the background became quiet.

"Sorry about that. Perks of living with your bestie." She said, sarcasm laced in her voice.

I chuckled. "No problem.".

My reply was followed by silence, uncomfortable silence.

"So, what are you doing now?" I asked, breaking the silence. "I mean before I called."

"I was watching a movie with Hannah. " She said. "You?".

I was thinking about you. I wanted to say.

"Nothing much. Was just laying on my bed and, thinking about life." I said instead.

I heard her giggle from the other end of the phone. "You think about life? Let me guess, you have five wives and 12 children to feed.".

I let out a chuckle. "Ha ha, very funny.".

"Evan." She called.


"Why's the empty classroom in the school always empty?" She asked.

"You mean, the one I took you to when you were late for maths class?". I asked.

"Yeah, and, don't rub it in my face." She said, causing me to laugh.

"Well, I don't know. It's always been like that." I shrugged, still aware that she couldn't see me.

The line fell silent for some seconds.

"I want to know you better." She said, suprising me by her words.

"How?" I asked.

"I dragged you into my life by accusing you of, you know, hunting me in my nightmares and sending me threat notes, which might sound surreal and totally unrealistic but don't judge me."

"I won't." I said.

"Okay, then, a Pastor told us you're not actually who I thought you were, and then, I got you into helping me figure out who the person sending me those notes are. I want to know who you really are, especially since you act a lot different from your sister, Sharon."

"Okay, so, in other words, you want us to hang out." I said.

"Well, yeah, that's a much shorter way to put it." She giggled.

Again, the line fell silent, which frustrated me so much.

"So, you haven't spoken about the threat notes all week. Did you find anything that might help?" I asked.

The line was silent for a minute.
"Hello?" I said.

"I-I.... " She sounded as if she wanted to tear up. "I found something.".

"About your Dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, about my... Dad." And just like that, I heard sobbing.

Now I just felt guilty, Why did I have to talk about her late father?!

"I'm sorry." I said immediately.

"N-no, I'm sorry." She said, sniffing. "Can we talk about this on Monday?".

"Of course. I'm sorry.". I apologized again.

"No, please don't. You're not at fault hear. Bye." She said, and then caught the call.

Wait a go Evan! You speak to a girl and she ends up in tears.

That thought hurt painfully.

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