Chapter 19 Snowy Doomsday Clock Arc Part 6

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At the Forest away from the town

We could hear this happening as Columbia somehow pulls out a M1 grand rifle and started shooting at Robin who was still hiding from the trees and was taking cover while running and jumping at the tress with Columbia doing the same:

As this is happing Columbia taunted Robin as she take cover to as she reloads her rifle

Columbia: What's the matter are you afraid of facing me Robin *successfully reloads her gun and started to fire at the side where Robin is running*

Robin: Not quite 

and then Columbia dodged an incoming bullet that was about to hit Columbia's head to Columbia's surprise as she dodged it, the bullet was a 20×110mmRB that was supposed to be used at a Oerlikon 20 mm cannon 

Columbia: How did you-

Robin: My Will could create any type of bullets(From Rifle Bullets to AA gun bullets) even they where supposed to used in AA guns

Columbia: Crap *runs to another cover as Robin shoots at her previous cover by using another AA gun bullet, destroying that cover in the process*

as this happens the two engaged into a gunfight while running at the forest

Falling bullets could be seen and broken trees and rocks as this happened

until Columbia manages to figure out where is Robin's Will as she can't see it when they faced each other, and so she made a plan 

As Columbia rans at the forest she saw a open field as got out of the the forest and started to look at her surroundings to which way she would go until she heard Robin's voice

Robin: Hoh you can't find a place to hide now?

and then a bullet hits Columbia's rifle making Columbia weaponless as the Rifle got sent into a far away distance

Columbia: Shit!

Robin: With your weapon gone I could now kill you-

and then suddenly a flaming rock hit Robin's Rifle, revealing his location at the process

Robin: NANI?!?!

Columbia: Just as I suspected your Will is your rifle

Robin: H-How did you-

Columbia: It was when you are holding your Rifle tightly when you disappeared, It took me a while to figure it out soo *Summons Blazing Will and pulls out 3 rifle bullets with Blazing Will aim them at Robin's position

as Robin saw this he tries to flee but the bullets hit his feet while the others missed, causing him to fall on the ground in pain as his foot got hit

and from there Columbia uses her Will to beat the shit out of Robin, knocking him out cold and then Columbia picks up her rifle and leaves the area

At the hotel 

We could see Columbia at the Hotel trying out some of the clothes she buys from the mall with Lavender

And then Lavender opens the door and from there Columbia spoke

Columbia: Have you disabled it?

It turns out that While Columbia is fighting Robin, she gave the coordinates to the 3rd missile site to Lavender and from there Lavender heads to that location and manages to disable the 3rd missile site

Lavender: Yep but it was amazing you managed to locate it while we are going to the mall

Columbia: I have my way, with The 3rd missile site deactivated, 3 more to go

Lavender: I see you need some help of trying the clothes you buy

Columbia: No need I could wear this on my own you should try the clothes I buy for you too

Lavender: Very Well

To be continued

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