Chapter 13

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In Someone's house in Florida 

We could see Columbia researching something in her computer about a few animals until someone pressed the doorbell to her house

and as Columbia open the door she saw no one expect for a small box and she gets it and returns inside and opens it in her living room

and as she opens is she saw a normal small brown leather bag and a passport heading to Russia and a Letter

And as she saw the letter she opens it and it reads

Dear Ms. Columbia

If you are reading this the contents of the leather bag contain some codes that could neutralize the activation of Nuclear Missiles in Moscow

Why do you need this if you ask?, Well The is A Will user using his powers to rise in the military and was planning to start WW3 and his ascension to the highest Rank in the military will be in 2 weeks

Your Mission?, You could put The Will User in the hospital or you could Type those codes in the location inside that bag

Good Luck

By The Watcher 

As Columbia finished reading the letter she opened the bag and saw some codes and where it should be placed incase it needs to be neutralize

And as Columbia saw this she researched for the person that will Rise in power in Military Ranking in Russia

and she found his name, Jacob Stalin, ancestor of Joseph Stalin

Columbia: You gotta be kidding me?!

It seem that Jacob had followed his grandfather's footsteps but with the information in her hands it looks like Jacob has other plans since The Soviet Union is about to fall 

And so she prepared her Rifle in her bag, Her gun usage License(Is this even allowed in America?), Food and clothes, and then she head to a bank and she puts some money in her account so when she gets into Russia she will withdraw her money there

and then she wears this:

(Imagine it was Columbia wearing it with no hat but she still has her Sunglasses)

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(Imagine it was Columbia wearing it with no hat but she still has her Sunglasses)

And then she head to the airport by ordering a Taxi to go there 

and after a few minute's she was in the airport and she gets her bag and presents it to the guards and when they saw a gun Columbia tells them it isn't loaded and the bullets are separated for safety and so the guards agreed to keep the gun

and so she head to the plane heading to Russia

Her time is limited, she has 2 weeks before he rises into power will she made it in time

Let the Snowy Doomsday Clock Arc Begin, Time is ticking

To be continued

Columbia's New Life and Bizarre adventure (An Azur lane Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now