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1980, Morning

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii

We could see an ship floating in the ocean with with the hull number: CL-56 and in the deck of the ship we could see an female that has  a back-length orange-blonde messy hair with sunglasses on top of her head and has pink eyes. She wears a white t-shirt with a yellow-colored star symbol on her chest, dark-blue sleeves, white cuffs and a red collar line, a dark-blue denim shorts with white cuffs and a brown belt, a single red & white striped thigh-high socks on her left leg and white laced shoes, white wristbands on each wrists, and wears a black headphone and a dog tag around her neck.

and then she woke up shocked to herself alive once again

She is USS Columbia or Columbia an shipgirl that was scrapped in 1959 because she is no longer needed by the Eagle Union or US Navy because the Human-Siren War or WW2 ended and now she is alive again 

Columbia: W-What the how I'm alive!!!

and then she saw an letter envelope and opens it revealing an letter:

Good Day Ms. Columbia

If you had read this that mean I revive you for a reason but that reason will be revealed to you soon but for now please live an new life and go around the world if you like and by the way check your ship's captain room I left something to help you live in this era you had a long way to go

With Best regards 

The Watcher

After she read the later she head to the Captains room and saw an folder and money in the desk and then she opens the folder containing the fake credentials that she'll be using and the house she'll be living and then She set's her ship to the location and her new life begins and many more adventure waiting for her.

To be continued

Columbia's New Life and Bizarre adventure (An Azur lane Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now