Chapter 2

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As weeks pass when University school time is over (Columbia)Claire, Mary, Jane and Jack will always hangout to have fun and good memories 

and as 3 years passes they graduated and go into separated ways with Jane and Jack signing up joining the Navy since both of them love the sea(and both have feelings for each other which Columbia secretly know due to there closeness to each other), While Mary signed up into an research facility to be an scientist that could change the world, And Claire will become an explorer, but they all promise to contact each other so they could keep in touch

And now we could see (Columbia)Claire in her house making some marks in an cardboard connecting some dots leading to Egypt and as (Columbia)Claire saw this she got very excited 

A few Months after (Columbia)Claire graduated an mysterious package was at her doorstep and then she opens it revealing a Golden Disk with an sun on the center and a letter and so she opens the letter saying 

Dear Ms. Claire/Columbia

If this letter reaches you it mean you have retrieved the disk called the Eye of Ra, the reason I sent this to you is because an End of the World scenario is about to take place within 30 days and I need you to put that disk back to where it belongs, sadly I have forgotten the location where it was supposed to be place and so I want you to find it and put that disk back to save the world good luck

By The Watcher

At First Columbia didn't believed this until the next day reports of the sun's heat lowering causing different parts of the world temperatures to drop and plant and crops dying and so Columbia began her research and found what she was looking for 

According to some historians the Sun disk's original location was in Heliopolis guarded by the priestess because it was given to them by Amun Ra himself until it was given to The Pharaoh Khufu as an gift and was now buried at The Great Pyramid of Giza but of course they said it was only an myth because such artifact doesn't exist 

But Columbia believes the myth and so she packed her stuff including the artifact and heads into the port at midnight since that is the best time to use her ship and there are only few humans awake

And so she used her ship at midnight and starts her journey to Egypt

But unknown to her an serpent named Apep or Apophis will to stop her from putting the sun disk back to restore the sun because he is The God of Chaos and this is his only chance to prevent the sun from shining as Ra is travelling in the afterlife to be reborn and to return the balance of the world and so Apophis done some preparations to stop Columbia from getting into Egypt 

Will Columbia return the Disk in time to save the world from being frozen or will Apophis succeed?

Let the Egypt Arc begin

To be continued

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