Chapter 18 Snowy Doomsday Clock Arc Part 5

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The Next day 

We could see Columbia waking up with Lavender eating breakfast already, and so Columbia joined her after she drank water to wake herself up a little more

and then after a few minutes as Columbia takes a bath and changed her clothes, Columbia starts to find the third location of the missile site, only for Lavender to drag her away from her objective

Columbia: H-Hey what are you doing?!

Lavender: I saw you going to work again, sorry young lady you're not going to find it today, you have to take break

Columbia: B-But-

Lavender: No buts we have a lot of time so let use some of them to have fun

Columbia: Fine!, But where are we going?

Lavender: To the mall!

Columbia: Eh?!


At a random mall in Moscow

We could see Lavender and Columbia in the mall, with Columbia in awe as for the first time she had saw a mall this big in Russia

and from there the two checked at the clothes that the mall has to offer and needless to say Columbia is amazed at the design of the cloths that the mall was selling buys a few clothes that she wanted to try on when they get home

And then after a few minutes they ate at McDonalds(There were many of these in Russia(If I'm correct) for there lunch and then after they ate lunch there they then headed to the cinema by Lavender's request, and then the two watched the movie that Lavender wanted

But needless to say they both had a lot of fun

And after that they started to head home as sunset's

While they are heading back to the hotel Columbia noticed something and then whispers something to Lavender and then Lavender left Columbia as she is going to go somewhere first

As they parted ways, Columbia entered a forest and then continues to walk for few minute's until Columbia spoke

Columbia: I know you're hiding here show yourself! 

And then Columbia summoned Blazing Will just in time as 3 knives from different directions as was about to get hit from behind

As Blazing Will deflected all of the projectiles the Person attacking her showed itself standing in a tree with the moon behind the figure

As Blazing Will deflected all of the projectiles the Person attacking her showed itself standing in a tree with the moon behind the figure

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???: It seems Mr. Jacob is correct about you, Shipgirl

and then suddenly Columbia felt a bullet on he shoulder, to which she didn't got injured since Rifle bullet's are useless against shipgirls, unless the bullets are armor piercing or high explosives

Columbia: How did you-

???: Mr. Jacob informed me about your true identity as a shipgirl but he forgot what ship type and class you are so it's up to me to kill you

Columbia: I see, but may I ask the name of my enemy 

Robin: You may call me Robin

Columbia: I see, if that's the case Robin *pulls out a rifle bullet and then Blazing Will uses it's hand to shoot it close to Robin* Let's start a gunfight shall me

As Robin felt the bullet close to him, he uses his Will to hide from the shadows

and from there the game had begun

To be continued

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