Standardized Testing

Start from the beginning

Doc: No. Maybe... If we used another person  (Doc relized that south is giving him a death glare) Umm not south of course. Sounds kind of interesting.

Washington: You've spent some time with him now. What's your diagnosis?

Doc: Of who? The Meta?

Washington: Yes! Pay attention to what's being said!

Doc: Testy... Based on what you've said, he's just underpowered. He has a bunch of equipment but he can't use it now.

South: We'll let's hope he doesn't get angrier.

Washington: That's because he lost all of his A.I.

Doc: Wow... If I had all these cool fighting gadgets and I couldn't use them, I'd be pretty mad.

Washington: Yeah...

Doc: What happens if he uses them without the help of the computer program?

Washington: Let's just put it this way: It ain't pretty.

At the other Freelancer facility, Simmons attaches some equipment to Grif's armor.

Grif: All hooked up?

Delta: Calculations made to installation. 

Simmons: Yeah, installation was easy. Ready to turn it on?

Alex: Is this a good idea?

Grif: Ready! Yes yes it is!

Simmons: Now listen. You don't have an AI, so nothing's going to help you make the calculations you need to use this thing. So just take it easy.

Delta: I've calculated and made adjustments to make it work but there is a 50 percent chance of it glitching are you sure you can take it easy?

Grif: I was born to take it easy. Fire it up.

A beep, followed by a charging sound.

Simmons: Ok, it's on. Do you feel any different?

From this point on, Grif talks extremely fast.

Grif: No, kind of energetic, am I invisible? Huh? Am I? Am I- can you see me?

Alex: We can see you.

Simmons: Calm down. No. I can still see you. Try jumping.

Delta: It is likely he got speed.

Grif: Jump! I jumped! Did that work Simmons? I can do it again! Please, let me do it again. Want me to jump again? Watch, I'll do it again, I won't even stop. Let me jump! Let me jump! Let me jump! Why aren't you answering me when I talk with my mouth!?!

Simmons: Hmm.... Walk over there. I have a theory. This one is either super healing or super-

Grif: Woohoo!!! Wishung!!!

Grif runs off extremely fast.

Simmons: Speed.

Delta: Agreed.

Caboose Will Ava and Tucker are talking in the next room.

Caboose: Yeah, so then Church said "I love you forever."

Tucker: That didn't happen.

Will: Church never said that,

Grif runs past

Grif: Hey Caboose!

Tucker: Whoa, what the hell was that?

Caboose: What was what? Long pause Hey Grif!

Ava: How is he moving so fast!?

Sarge is in the next room over looking at a forklift.

Sarge: That is one fine piece of machinery.

Grif runs past.

Sarge: Huh. Why am I so angry all of a sudden?

Simmons: Slow down, slow down! Grif, slow down!

Grif: Yeeeeeha- OW!

Grif runs straight into the wall.

Simmons: Hey, asshole. Are you dead?

Delta: I doubt he his.

Grif: Ow, whoa Simmons did you see that? Did you see? I saw it! I saw it, totally! Did you see? I hit that wall! That was fast! Man that was super fast! I'm so fast! God, so fast! Why is it so hot in here?

Alex: He's never this active imagine if we had this in blood gulch.

Grif: I want to run run run I need to move!

Simmons: Grif! Calm down!

Grif: I'm calm! I'm totally calm? Why don't you be calm? Why would you say to be calm when you know I'm already calm? Isn't it obvious that I'm calm? That doesn't even make any sense! You should make some sense! Why is it so hot in here?

Sarge: What in Sam Hell is all the racket?

Grif: Hey Sarge! What's up Sarge! Simmons is doing some experiments and I'm helping him Sarge! Right now we're doing one where everyone talks slow and the lights are super bright and I can smell clouds and man is it so hot in here!

Simmons: We installed a speed unit on Grif and it's sort of... Malfunctioning right now.

Delta: My calculations were off.

Sarge: Well turn him off!

Alex: I doubt we can.

Simmons: I can't! They run on timers! We're just going to have to wait it out.

Sarge: How long?

Grif: How long? What's long? I like long stuff! I knew a giraffe once, I think it was in a book. A giraffe book. The book wasn't long, but the giraffe totally was. Because of the neck, you know. You know what I mean? Do you? Do you? The part that connects Grif slows down the head to... the... body... I'm gonna go to sleep now...

Grif collapses.

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