Drink Your Ovaltine

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Fade in to Sarge Alex  and Grif in the desert.

Sarge: Hmm.

Grif: Hey Sarge, what's wrong?

Sarge: I don't like this, Grif.

Grif: What, the vision?

Alex: Who cares.

Cut to Tucker , Ava talking to Caboose

Tucker: (from afar) It's a waterfall, it's literally impossible to forget! Like girlfriend dick!

Cut back to Sarge Alex  and Grif

Sarge: Yeah. I've never been what you'd call a "new age" kinda guy.

Grif: You don't say.

Sarge: But this bowling ball seems to be on a heck of a roll! Pun intended. What with the flying and the laser shooting and all.

Alex: I really don't want to piss him off.

Grif: And he can lift stuff without arms. That's pretty cool.

Delta: Technically it was the magnetic systems that I scanned on the artifact Caboose put him in.

Sarge: That too. What if there's something to this whole vision thing? We need to call Simmons. Find out if he's seen anything out of the ordinary.

Alex: Radio is busted remember

Grif: How? Our long range radio here got destroyed, and we don't have enough signal power in the jeeps to reach him.

Sarge: I think I have an idea how to fix that.

Cut to Simmons  Will South and Doc being held prisoner at Valhalla by Wash and the Meta

Doc: Hh, mm. Ow my head. Oh.

Simmons: Doc, you're alive. Good.

Will: Good to see you man.

Doc: Yeah, no thanks to you. Why'd you hit me?

Simmons: I didn't hit you, they did.

Doc: Jerks. Who're they?

Simmons: The dark one's Washington. He's a Freelancer. Like South but she's on our side.

South: Hey yiur a medic that ass hole shot me in the foot.

Doc: Great. 'Cause those guys are always such a blast to hang around with. And I'll check it out.

Doc bends down over South's foot and his scanner glows.

Simmons: The big one, we call the Meta.

Doc: But rumor had it those guys were disbanded. Everyone went to jail.

South: Not me and why is it stinging.

Doc: Stop moving the bullet is still in there and my scanner can only do so much.

Simmons: Yeah, well I guess they got paroled.

Will: Unfortunately for us.

South: Agreed.

Doc: I hear that.

Washington: You four , quiet.

Meta: Growwl

Washington: Then you need to stop trying to use all of them. You just don't have the resources anymore.

Simmons: Meta killed a bunch of other Freelancers. Took their equipment.

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