And Don't Call Me Shirley

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Fade in to Wash South and the Meta looking at Doc and the piece of wall he's stuck in, upright in the field

Washington: Come on, can't you get him out of there? He's just stuck in a few rocks.

South: Some metal stones.

Meta: (Growls)

Washington: Why can't anything ever be easy? Doc, I want you to tell me everything you know about the Reds and Blues. South you to.

South: I've only known the, for about a month all I really know about red team is that they have a Spanish robot who fixes almost anything and they have a holo room below there bace.

Doc: You know more than me, I just got here.

Washington: Hit him.

The Meta hits Doc

Doc: Oah!

Washington: You worked with them before. Do they have any hideouts, anywhere they go when they're in trouble.

Doc: I don't know.

Washington: Hit him again.

The Meta hits Doc again.

Doc: Ow!

Washington: Did Simmons say where Sarge and Grif were? You can either answer me, or I can have the Meta beat it out of you. Or, I can beat it out of you. I think I've earned it.

Doc: Man, you guys are really awful at the Good Cop/Bad Cop thing. You're like, Bad Cop and Even Worse Cop.

South: Or bitchy cop.

Washington: Tell you what Meta, let's just shoot them in the chest, see if we can pull the audio logs out of there helmets.

Doc: Uh-ah- he said something about a distress call!

Washington: Hit him again.

Meta: (Growls)

Doc: And sand! H-he mentioned sand!

Washington: Sand...

South: And a distress messes form a guy named Tucker and somebody else named Ava.

Cut to the Reds spying on Church Will, Ava and Caboose from nearby

Church: (to Caboose Will and Ava) Alright, well, let's go then. I actually thought it would take longer to convince you. Come on. I wanna get to the facility before nightfall.

Sarge: Facility, eh? I knew the Blues were up to somethin'. Come on men, let's get after those Blues! Sounds like this is the big opportunity we've been waitin' for.

Alex: To hide.

Grif: You mean our opportunity to find a place to hole up until this all blows over?

Simmons: Some place that isn't a desert?

Sarge: No! A place to finally restore the Blues to Command's database. Get yer typing fingers ready Simmons!

Delta: That is if the facility is a freelancer one.

Simmons: (sigh) Okay, I'll bring my carpal tunnel braces.

Sarge: If we're going to follow them we'll need a vehicle.

Grif: Well I'm sure we can grab another one from the camp down there.

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