Towing Package

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Fade in to Blue Base

Washington: Alright Doc SouthI wanna ask you a few questions.

Doc: Where'd the red guys go? Did they get away?

South: I thought I told you they did. Oh hay Wash how long are we going to do this.

Washington: Quiet. I'm asking you the questions, you're not asking me.

Doc: What kinda questions?

Washington: Hey I just said no questions.

Doc: Can I ask questions later?

Washington: Doc!

Doc: What? Oh that's a question, sorry. Go ahead.

Washington: You know what, get him out of there, I can't talk to him like this. South help The Meta.

South: Why should I?

Washington: If you don't I'll out a bullet in your head or let the Meta kill you.

South: Fine.

The Meta approaches and tries to get him loose South helping 

Doc: What're you- stop it.

Washington: What? Well, try pulling harder then.

South: He's in there tight.

Doc: Be gentle be gentle!

Washington: Grab lower, near the center of gravity.

Doc: He's got cold hands.

Washington: Try the codpiece.

South: Hell no,

Meta: (growls)

Washington: Oh, uh- we're all adults here.

Meta: (growls)

Washington: No I don't wanna try.

Doc: Don't repress your feelings.

South: So what do we do now.

The Meta uses the grav lift to leap off the base

Washington: I can't interrogate him like this, it's ridiculous. I can't believe I have to deal with this. What're we gonna do!?

South: Don't forget me.

Washington: Just shut up.

South: At lest I didn't get a grappling hook stuck to my balls.

Washington:(embarrassed) Shut up we said we wouldn't talk about it.

The Meta grabs the tow hook from the front of the jeep and tosses it up on base, trailing the cable behind it

Washington: Hmm, that might work.

Back in the dessert...

Sarge: Heh heh. Seems like all the kicking and blowing up put some life back into the little guy. That's adorable.

Grif: Why are all his blue parts green?

Caboose: I don't know.

Epsilon-Delta: Caboose, is that you?

Caboose: Delta I thought Grif had you.

Delta: Caboose that is not me.

Ava: There are two of them now.

Red vs Blue Revelation  male ocWhere stories live. Discover now