Fourth and Twenty

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Fade in to Caboose standing on top of a tall rock, being harassed on by some aliens below. Tucker  and Ava are standing off to the side

Caboose: Go away, bad aliens! Shoo aliens shoo! Rolled up newspaper!

Tucker: Maybe you should have thought about that before you lost their all-powerful Deity.

Ava: We can't help you they'll burn us two and blue team needs us in order to be a team.

Caboose: I didn't lose him, he left. Or maybe he lost himself. Or maybe the Reds took him.

Caboose: I don't-

One of the aliens shoots Caboose

Caboose: Ow! Stop that!

Tucker: Well, until the Reds come back, they need somebody to blame. Better you than me man.

Ava: I would help but I don't want to get in a mobs way.

Caboose: Tucker, Ava help me.

Tucker: Hyeah, dude, I dunno. I don't really wanna get in between an angry mob and their religious iconography. And I should know, I used to date an Italian girl.

Ava: Ya I don't want to get in the way of a religious frenzy.

Caboose: But he's not really a god, it's all made up. You know that.

The aliens turn toward Tucker and Ava 

Tucker: Whoa dude, I don't know shit. That sounds like straight up blasphemy. You guys gonna put up with this shit?

Ava: I know he doesn't believe your religion he's might make more.

Alien: [Your right burn him at the stake!]

Tucker: H-I know dude, that's what I'm saying. Took the blarg right out of my mouth.

Caboose: Tucker... They're going to eat me...!

Tucker: Caboose shut the fuck up, they're not gonna eat you. They're just gonna persecute you and kill you, stop being such a baby.

Ava: Maybe shove a stick up your ass and burn you.

Caboose: Look, the Reds, they're back. And they have your worshippy guy.

Tucker: What? Sarge and Will...

Sarge: Hey Blue, we're back. Got Simmons too. Where's the water can? Oh also you got any more spare jeeps around here? I don't wanna get into it, but we've identified a tactical weakness in the hood of the current models. Oh uh, what're you guys doing? Killin' Caboose? That's cool.

Will: Hey Ava. If we're killing Caboose can I help.

Ava: Hey Will.

Caboose: There he is! He is the one who took Church! Get him.

Alien: [He took our God! We will kill him if he doesn't have it especially the dumb one.]

Sarge: Ruh-roh.

Cut to Grif Alex and Simmons with Church

Grif: How's Floaty McGee?

Simmons: Eh you know, same old. Still not working.

Grif: Is he dead?

Alex: Technically it wouldn't have stoped him before.

Delta: Technically he was an A.I. 

Red vs Blue Revelation  male ocWhere stories live. Discover now