Inside the fort were the same sights as the outside, bodies were strewn around the courtyard of the fort, what once were wooden weapon posts had been shattered, and discarded or dropped weapons littered the field. Looking to the left, I saw what looked like a trench system that led around the confines of the fort. Small rises and falls in the terrain formed miniature hills and valleys that seemed almost devoid of life, if not for the shouting and clanging.

"Stone!" I yelled out into the open air, charging into the fort. I knew that this would attract the attention of whatever bandits were still here, but I did not care. Stone was here, I was sure of it, I had to find him. Running to the top of one of the hills, I grinded to halt and surveyed my surroundings, small fixtures and openings leading further into the fort. I had no idea which way to go, and no idea of what state my friend was in.

"Stone!" I yelled again. Turning from route to route, I charged down the hill, just in time to see other figures charge out of the various openings. All around me, men and women were charging out into the open ground, plowing through the soft snow that accumulated on the ground, armed with what looked like shoddy shields and blades, others carrying what looked to be two-handed axes. One of them turned to look at me, and I ground to a halt as they did. With a yell he pointed his sword in my direction, and called to his allies.

"There's another one! Don't let them group up!" He shouted, his voice was hoarse, but this did nothing to dampen it's sound. His words reached three of his compatriots, as they too slid to a halt, took one look at me, and readied their weapons. With one unified scream, they charged my position, I readied my own weapon in anticipation. The leader was the first to reach me, thrusting his blade forward in a thrust. With one move I parried it off to the side, sending him stumbling forward. I had no time to follow up with an attack of my own, in the corner of my vision I could see one of the women lifting an ax overhead, aiming to bring it down. I adjusted to catch the handle, stopping the blade just before it reached me. With one motion, I raised my leg and kicked her square in the chest, forcing her away from me.

I just barely saw the third approach with a right swing at my arm, and could only stumble away from the strike as I briefly lost my balance. The fourth timed his strike with the leader, one thrusting his blade while the other swung wildly with another ax. Instinct almost took over, but I forced it to the back of my mind, time seeming to slow as I tried to predict where the ax would land. It was a heavy swing, as opposed to the other's quick thrust. Still, even the thrust would take time to recover from, and the ax swing was too heavy, it couldn't be stopped midway through. I had to force them to collide.

With haste, I sidestepped to my left, watching as the thrust hit nothing but air. The leader's stance was solid, he held his ground as his head twisted to watch me, his teeth bared in an angry scowl. I paid him no mind and pivoted, readying for a thrust of my own. Just as I expected, his ally couldn't stop his ax, and slammed it into the flat of his blade, the leader let out a startled yelp as he was carried down with the blade, and I thrust forward. My blade struck true, plunging right between his eyes, a modest spurt of blood confirming my hit. I wasted no time and pulled against the falling body, slicing through the side of his face, carrying bits of his flesh with it.

My blade came free just as the woman recovered and charged me again, raising her ax high overhead. I responded with another thrust, catching her in the chest as my blade sunk several inches into her. Her face sunk as she collapsed to her knees, the weapon clamoring to the snow below. I pulled, but my blade did not come loose, as the warrior grimaced and grabbed hold of my sword. I cursed internally, wrestling for control of my weapon as the bandit glared at me, teeth clenched as blood ran down her palms and onto my sword. Pivoting my head, I saw the fourth rush forward and leap, thrusting the pommel of his ax toward my head. I tried again to pull my blade, but it would not come free. Before I could dodge, the pommel struck my forehead, the clanging of steel drowned out by an intense ringing as  a white hot pain erupted into my head.

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