chapter nine || 09

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*TW: eating disorder*____________________________

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*TW: eating disorder*

"You need to start your diet soon."

"Are you really going to eat all of that?"

"Boys don't like women who aren't smart, as well as a figure like yours"

"You should cut that out of your food."

"Why aren't you eating anymore?"

"You're looking a little too skinny, eat something."

"We can see your ribs, boys don't like anorexic girls."

Shit like this.

This is what makes people insecure. Not about how they look, but what society makes them believe.

Initially, we don't take much notice into our looks but it's not until people, who sometimes you don't even know, start mentioning it when you begin to realise it.

I was 16.



I came downstairs to help my mum set the table.

Gladly minding my own business and humming a song which had been stuck in my head the whole day, I placed each of the plates neatly on the dinner table with my dad sitting on of the seats on his phone.

My dad was one of your typical looking dads, but with a full head of hair, trimmed beard and the slightest dad stomach. You know, the bloated ones.

We sit quietly at the table and I happily eat my steak, I was hungry the whole day and this is the best meal I've had.

My mum tries making small talk with my dad about my school and how his work is going but he only answers in short, closed answers.

"Did you know Nailea passed her history exam today? She got the highest in the class." My mum said eagerly, smiling at me with proudness evident in her expression.

I smile back and look at my dad.

My smile vanishes.

"Right." That's all he says, there's a stab in my chest and I just feel like I've been pulled back.

I carry on eating, and he stares at me disgustingly. "Nailea, you can't possibly stuff that whole steak down your throat. At least leave some leftovers for tomorrow. You're already growing too much." He snaps at me while grimacing at me.

I sit at the table quietly looking at my hands that are in my lap now, not daring to make a sound and just listening to his insults.

"You should be more like that girl you're always with, Rayne. She's very slim isn't she? He taunts, then stands up leaving his plate on the table for us to clean.

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