chapter eight || 08

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Why do I somehow feel

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Why do I somehow feel... relief?

Like my hands have been bound tightly by something for so long, now I'm finally free.

Ethan kept me contained and gave me the mindset that I was not able to make my own decisions, that I couldn't do anything for myself but now that I am not with him anymore, it makes me feel that sense of relief.

All the weight that was put on me when we were together, has finally been lifted off from my shoulders allowing me to breathe again.

I stayed home the rest of that day since I came home and called Rayne telling her absolutely everything so she insisted on covering for me on my babysitting job. I felt bad because I did want to see Rhys, but I don't think I was in the right mood to be there. I'm so grateful to have Rayne, I don't think I could live fully without her. I've given her a spare key to my house so she literally enters anytime she wants. It's kinda cool.

Right now it's about half 9, I'm on my bed cuddled up with my blanket and some cookies I found in my pantry while binge watching my favourite show on my laptop.

Netflix and chill. The life.

I heard a knock on my door and quickly swallowed the rest of my cookie. "Come in!"

My mum opened the door and leans against it. "There's someone like really good looking for his age at the door for you, hun. Seems important." She said with a smirk on her face.

I roll my eyes. She can act like such a teenager sometimes. Don't get me wrong, it's adorable. But also sort of creepy.

I exaggeratedly sigh, and get out of my most comfortable position.

"Thanks mum, but please avoid calling younger people hot. They might find it quite creepy." I grin and pat her shoulder.

She sighs. "If only they saw what I looked like in the prime of my days, everyone would be fawning over me." She fans herself and walks back to her bedroom most likely going back to sleep.

I laugh and shake my head, then go downstairs to open the front door.

The man, wearing a large hoodie with the hood covering his head, looks up and I immediately recognise his face. Camilo.

My eyebrows furrow and I look past his head. "Camilo? What are you doing here?" I ask and fold my arms.

"Nice jammies, Brown." He says, and walks in.

I look down and see my pyjamas, a Minnie mouse shirt and long silky navy blue bottoms. My cheeks flush with embarrassment but I shake it off.

He invites himself in forcing me to move to the side and I close the door.

"Remember when I said I'm here to protect you and the other girl, Rayne?" He says, putting his hands in his hoodie pockets and facing me.

I walk to the open kitchen and sit on the bar stool placing one leg over the other. "Yes I do remember when we were extremely drunk. Continue."

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