chapter thirteen || 13

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"Some women fear the fire, some women simply become it" - r.h. sin

[ TW: assault ]

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

[ TW: assault ]

a few weeks later

Vittorio has been getting on my fucking nerves.

He gets mad over the littlest things, only yesterday I left my plate on the counter because I forgot to wash it and he looked at me as if he was about to murder me.

It's a fucking plate.

I still haven't told him about my so called 'dream' of him and plan on never doing so, that's absolutely humiliating.

Which is why right now I'm taking out my anger by playing boxing on the wii with Rhys in his living room.

His mum really only needs me whenever she's on date nights, she always tells him she's taking a trip to see the king. I don't know why he believes her but it's adorable that he always gives her a cookie to give to him.

He is currently winning.

I am totally letting him win.

Rhys manages to get a swing to the face and my character immediately falls on the floor and the referee calls the game, making him the winner.

He screams in victory and tosses the controller on the sofa and jumps on the coffee table taking me by surprise.

"I beat Nai! I'm so awesome!" He shouts at the top of his lungs and starts doing his little victory dance.

I roll my eyes and grab him, wrapping my arms around his torso and he lets out a small yelp as I start tickling him to death on the sofa.

"Say it out loud that I'm the better player or you will suffer." I threaten him.

He squirms and laughs with tears coming out of his eyes.

"Never!" He yells and pushes me off him grabbing his tennis racket from the floor and getting into a position on the opposite end of the sofa about to attack me.

I gasp and look for a nearby weapon, but I find nothing. He chases me around the living room for God knows how long.

This goes on for a few minutes then his mother comes back and he was still running when I stopped so his face smashed against my back.

Ha, he totally deserved that.

I say goodbye to them then leave and head to a close library near Vittorio's apartment.

The CEO's Proposal || PAUSEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin