Thanks For Reading!

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Well, if you made it this far, you either skipped here (naughty naughty), or you finished the book. If it's the first, thanks for the boost to my view count, and please consider backtracking to enjoy the story. 😝 And if it's the latter, then thank you so much for reading my first romance novel, and I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the experience! 

Challenging as it was for me as a primarily action-oriented writer to plot out a book without fight scenes and adrenaline boosts to hang my story threads on, this book was so much fun to write, and it'll always have a special place in my heart. As a saxophonist myself, much of the book is drawn from experience, just not the romance part. I haven't found my Tahlia yet. 😂

So yeah, I'd love to hear your thoughts now that you have the entire story behind you. What're your overall last impressions? Favorite characters, scenes, chapters, I wanna know it all. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. ❤️

And with that, I leave you to find your next read; thanks again for taking the time to work through my book. Whether you give one of my less lovey-dovey stories a try (please do 😉) or find a new book to sink your teeth into elsewhere, I wish you much enjoyment. God bless, and have a great rest of your day/night. ❤️

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