Chapter 14

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A/N: I’m really sick from my 2nd covid vaccine. Also why do I get shocked when there’s a gay scene in a series I specifically started watching because I knew there was a gay scene. I mean… That’s literally why I started watching Riverdale lol. Just did a little bit of revision and I’m feeling a lot better (it’s the next day). I’m seriously lacking motivation, I don’t know what to write about.  It’s the next day, yesterday I wrote 500 words and now it’s the deadline. Help. Lol sorry but I’m not writing smut, not happening absolutely not but enjoy the scene before I guess? I’m a minor and find it uncomfortable to write things like that. There is a warning before the scene for anyone who doesn’t want to read it, but the scene is literally so short it’s not that important at all. I wanted to write more but I just feel really bad and uncomfortable so I’m not going to, if you want to read something like that there’s loads of stuff on here for that. I can’t even remember what happens in my own story lmao I hope there’s not too many inconsistencies. My cat is snoring, I’ve never heard her snoring before wtf. I’ve had her for like 3 years, 1 of those years she’s slept with me almost every night and I’ve literally never heard her snore! 

Toni tried to concentrate on the movie, she really did, but something about Cheryl’s hand in hers was a little bit too distracting, familiar. 

Toni sat idly, the film was good - great actually but something about the redhead next to her diverted her attention. She had tears welling up in her eyes which were fixed on the big screen in front of her and her hands were gripping onto the sides of her chair. Toni watched her from her peripheral vision until little droplets started actually falling from her eyes into her lap. Tentatively, Toni reached over and touched Cheryl’s hand that was so tightly clutching onto the seat. Immediately it loosened and held Toni’s hand in her own. She didn’t say anything, didn’t even look at her, but Toni knew she got the message. 

And now here they were again, hand in hand, watching the same movie - together. Not sure where they stood in their relationship, but together in the moment. 

Toni wished there wasn’t a console in between them so she could curl into Cheryl's lap like a puppy and disappear from the world for a while, like she used to. And also the gear stick was totally pressing into her side because she was totally leaning on it to rest her head on Cheryl’s shoulder. 

“Comfy there?” Cheryl whispered. 

“One hundred percent.” 



After the movie ended, Toni didn’t move - not wanting the pocket of calmness they had created to dissipate. Cheryl was the first one to break it, unlatching their hands and shuffling the blanket off her and wrapping it around Toni who gratefully accepted it. 

“Where do you want to go?” 

“Dunno,” Toni mumbled, eyes half closed - still basking in the comfort.

“Toni,” she whined, “We can’t just stay here forever!”

“Yes we can,” she murmured back. 


“Okay fine,” Toni huffed, opening her eyes fully and turning to the beautiful girl next to her. “Let’s go my place if you want.” 

Toni didn’t miss the slight look of disappointment or Cheryl’s face and quickly clarified, “You can come too, obviously.” 

“Your speech is awful.” 

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