Chapter 3

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A/N I had major writing block during this, spending New Years alone honestly isn’t the most inspiring or motivating thing in the world but we move. Slowly albeit. This chapter is killing me and I’m only 500 words in. I hate story telling, I miss my descriptive work. Help: I just deviated from my plan and now it doesn’t make sense. It’s fine, I'm adjusting the plan. Also the guy who Fangs meets up with isn’t canon and for some reason that made me deeply upset. This has taken me over 4 hours and it’s not even finished yet. Ok I fixed the plan. Ugh I’m not even at the 2000 word mark yet. I’ve got school tomorrow, kill me. This A/N is so far behind reality lmao, I wrote this weeks ago.

Toni was pacing around her room, she didn’t know what to wear and she was so incredibly nervous. What if she did something stupid and embarassed herself? What if her old friends hated her? What if they all ditched her and she was there alone? What if Cheryl was there, oh god Cheryl. It shouldn’t be a problem, they had dated years ago.. It was not a big deal. They could be civil. It’s not as if Toni still thought about her everyday and wished she was still in her life - that’s absurd. It had been years. It. Was. Not. An. Issue. 

“Are you going out tonight lovely?” her grandma called from the kitchen.

“Yeah I leave at quarter to ten,” Toni called back.


“I said I leave at quarter to ten,” Toni practically shouted.

“Oh ok, sounds good!”


Ten minutes later Toni finally decided to play it simple with a black dress - I mean you can’t go wrong in a black dress and some black heels paired with some fishnets. She studied herself in the mirror as she did her makeup, rolling her eyes as she took a swig of beer. Pregame drinks were essential, she could not go into this sober. 

“God I look boring.”

Just as she was applying the finishing touches she got a message.


“I am outside.”

Crap. She grabbed her stuff and kissed her Nana on the cheek. 

“Bye Nana!” she said hurriedly as she flew out the door to meet Fangs who was impatiently waiting in his - no offence - manky looking car. Toni never liked it, literally it looked like a tin can on wheels and she most definitely did not feel safe but if she wanted to drink she was most definitely going to need a ride… and it’s not as if she had any other friends so she didn’t really have much choice. Sweet Pea was going with his other Serpent friends and to be honest, she didn’t really want to have to deal with that right now so Fangs was really her only other option. As she got to the passenger’s side, Fangs shoved a layer of various sweets packets, old beer cans and a random cheese and onion pringles can so Toni, who was slightly disgusted, could sit down which she precariously did - slightly disgruntled. 

“Oo sorry is this ride not good enough for you,” Fangs chuckled while putting the vehicle into drive.

“Could have at least cleaned it,” Toni mumbled.

“Do you want this ride or not?”

“Yes, yes, sorry,” she argued, slightly embarrassed, he wasn’t meant to hear that. Fangs scoffed lightly as he raced down the road, definitely not going the speed limit which Toni was more than used to but didn’t necessarily love. The ride wasn’t awkward but it wasn’t very talkative either. Fangs was never very talkative in the car so she turned the music up a bit before Fangs gently turned it down. 

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