Chapter 9

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A/N: Not feeling very well today but I’m gonna write this anyway lol. I’m supposed to be revising at my friend’s house but I’m sitting here writing fanfiction… and she doesn’t know lmao. Omg at exactly 888 words! That’s fun. Ugh I’m so unmotivated but I have to get it written so I can do revision :/ The Choni in this is so cute I literally can’t, and there’s a lot more to come - finally something is actually happening. This got done really early :D I just found a mistake right before publishing, there better be nothing else. This better be perfect! Lmao update a few days later - it wasn't.

“What?” Fangs asked, looking a lot better and a lot less green than he had last time Toni saw him.

“I just saw Miranda and Cheryl!” 

“I feel like there’s more to this story…” pried Sweet Pea. 

“Yeah, I went over to them-”


“-and started talking to Cheryl and Miranda who basically told me to lose it and I decided to leave cus it looked like she wanted to scrap.” 

 “Why did you even go to speak to Cheryl?” Fangs asked which made Toni stop for a second, it’s not that she’d been hiding the fact that they’d been texting… no, actually that was exactly what she’d been doing. Maybe hiding it was stupid. 

“I’ve kind of been texting her..”



“Her Nana is sick and I know how that feels so I was just checking up on her and then she was talking about the festival and.. stuff..” Toni trailed off.

“Is that really a good idea Tiny?” 

“Sweets, I appreciate the concern but seriously, I think her and Miranda are in a really toxic relationship and I just want to help.” That actually wasn’t a lie, Toni seriously felt bad for Cheryl who seemed to be trapped in an unbreakable cycle, and she knew how that felt. 

“I know I’m just worried-”

“Pea, she’s a grown adult and-”

“I know it’s just-” 

“And she knows how to take care of herself. And if she does need help we’re always here for her. It’s not like she’s gonna be alone.”

“Yeah I know, sorry Toni.” 

“Nah Sweets I get it, I’d react in the same way too. Anyways let's not dwell on it any longer,” Toni curved, half regretting bringing it up, “Let’s go see what else this festival had in store!” 

“Alright…” Sweet Pea hesitated before following Fangs and Toni who had started towards the section of the festival they hadn’t visited. 

“Aww look at that donkey!” 

The rest of the day was really enjoyable, they went and looked at some animals, Sweet Pea totally dominated the balance boards and they probably ate more cotton candy than anybody should in their entire life - but Toni couldn’t shake the interaction with Cheryl and Miranda out of her mind. At around four, Toni spotted Betty and Veronica so she left the boys to go on a bouncy castle to go talk to them. 

“Hey guys!”

“Toni, hi! I didn’t know you’d be here,” Betty grinned warmly.

“Hey Toni.”

“Yeah well, nobody misses a good festival.”

“Are you alone?”

“Nah, Pea and Fangs are on the bouncy castle but it’s not really my thing..” 

We Used To BeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin