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Ada's POV:

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Ada's POV:

After Tom's big speech at the destroyed camp, we started moving as quickly as possible. We have new camps every few nights, trying to stay off WICKED's radar whilst also planning how to get Minho out of there.

Thomas recently found out that there is going to be a train with them all on and it is heading to The Last City, if we intercept the train, we could get Minho out of there. From there Thomas wants to find a way to free all the captured children and kill Ava Paige and I am with him 100%.

Throughout the time it has taken for us to plan all this and keep on the move Thomas and I have rekindled what we had once before.


I was in my tent, struggling to sleep, all I could think about was Chuck. I hope that wherever he is now, he is happy with mum and dad.

As I was deep in thought I heard a rustling come from the door of my tent. I grabbed my sharpened barrel shroud and held it up, ready to stab who comes in.

"Hey, wow, wow. It's just me." Tom said, holding his hands up as I went to stab the intruder.

"Tommy, what the hell." I say, putting my weapon back down.

"I wanted to talk to you." He says.

"And that couldn't wait until morning or you couldn't have said 'Hey it's Tom, can I come in?'" I say.

"Everyone's asleep, I didn't want to wake anyone and I didn't want anyone else listening to us talk." He says.

"Okay, what's up?"

"So, I've been thinking a lot about us and our relationship."


"And I know that I still feel the same way that I did in WICKED. I still...well, I love you." He says.

"You love me." I say, a bright smile coming to my lips.

"Yeah, I do. I don't think I ever stopped, even when they took my memories away, I still felt something and when I saw you it's like it all clicked." He says.

"I love you, Tom. I always have." I say.

He comes over to where I was sitting on the bed and stands in front of me, placing his hands on my cheeks.

"Ada, Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Tommy, I would love to be your girlfriend." I say.

He leans down and I reach up until our lips meet in the middle.

The simple, heart warming kiss quickly escalates until we are both sharing my small cot without any clothes on.

"I've missed you." He says, drawing patterns on my shoulder.

"Me too." I say, snuggling into his warm chest.

We snuggled up together and fell asleep. By the next morning the whole camp knew we were back together when we walked out of my tent at the same time and apparently Newt overheard a little of our conversation.

Vince and Mary were happy that I had Tom back as my boyfriend because they both knew how much I still loved him and wanted to get back with him. I just didn't want to push anything and make him feel obligated or uncomfortable.

The Gladers were happy for Tom, happy that he found someone that he loves and that can understand a little of what they went through. Although not exactly because I wasn't in the maze.


That is how our relationship came back together.

We recently just got to our newest base and Mary had gone into labour as we were arriving. We managed to set everything up in time and I now have a beautiful baby sister named, Lucy.

We had a day or two of the whole camp celebrating the birth of Lucy but it all came to an end when our plan was starting.

Now, we had to save Minho.

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