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Ryder woke up feeling really nauseous she looked over to her side when she didn't see Tommy she was confused but didn't have time to dwell on it as she could feel the same feeling she had yesterday she needed to puke she got out of bed quickly running to the bathroom as she then vomited when she finished vomiting she brushed her teeth straight away and washed her face she was feeling a bit better but still nauseous. She walked out of the bathroom thinking to herself she still can't be sick from the food the lifer gave her it has been almost a week now, She continued walking and walked to the kitchen getting breakfast she was really hungry but they didn't have a lot of food at Tommy's place so she just got an apple she sat down at the dining table eating her apple thinking about everything "I have been so hungry lately i have been eating a lot" Ryder thinks to herself she keeps dwelling on all these thoughts when she hears someone walking inside the apartment "Hi babe" Ryder heard someone say when she saw it was Tommy "Morning" Ryder replied.

"I wanted to let you rest, i walked Apri already by the way" Tommy told Ryder "Aww thank you" Ryder responds "No problem she is our child" Tommy laughs Ryder thinks to herself "Child!?! am i pregnant?" Ryder gets brought out of thoughts hearing Tommy "Everything okay?" Tommy asks "Yes" Ryder smiles "Good we are going to have a gang meeting soon so you should get ready" Tommy says as Ryder gets up "Okay" Ryder says kissing Tommy on the cheek then walking into their bedroom picking some clothes out Ryder got dressed and walked out of the room seeing Tommy playing with Apri "You ready?" Tommy asks seeing as she just came out of the room Ryder nodded as she went to pet Apri Tommy and Ryder then walked out of the apartment walking over to the gang who were standing by the pool.

"Good Morning" Ryder greets everyone everyone greeted her back "So what are the news?" Dean asks taking his chair out "Lana want to tell them?" Tommy asked Lana she nodded "So as you guys know i have been working on my business and it is finally approved." Lana says getting cut off as everyone gasped from excitement "I got some people to work with me and design some clothes. I actually have a meeting with some of the people after this" Lana went on "I am so happy for you" Ryder says hugging Lana "You have worked so hard happy to see it become reality" Tommy speaks up as the others congratulate Lana one by one they talk about Lana's business for a bit when Tommy spoke up "As you all know tomorrow is the Big Toe event. Is everything finished planned?"

Everyone nodded and looked at Dean "Yes its going to be at Vanilla Unicorn. Me, Dwayne and Vince talked to Dexx about it yesterday" Dean said looking at Tommy "I will be security making sure everything is okay with some of the Mandem boys and GSF" Dean finished "Good, who will be security from the Mandem?" Tommy replies "We can talk about that later" Dean answered "Ok is there anything else?" Tommy asks "Yes actually" Patar replied Tommy looked at Patar to continue "So i have been selling thermite i still can't make guns so we spoke to Speedy and he wanted to do a deal" Patar continued "Speedy? From the Vagos?" Moses asked in curiosity "Yes from the Vagos" Adam replied "Oh well then we can set up a meeting later on to see what he has to offer" Tommy says as they all nodded "Think that is it then" Dwayne says "Yes think that is all, good meeting everyone see you all around" Tommy said ending the meeting.Everyone went to go do their own thing "Tommy i am going to go get some breakfast, i am still hungry. So see you later" Ryder tells Tommy as she kisses him on the cheek "Ok be safe" Tommy replies kissing her on the forehead.

Ryder walks to her car when she heard Lana shouting for her "Hey Lana" Ryder says turning around looking at her "I wanted to talk to you" Lana says "Sure we can talk" Ryder responds "Want to go somewhere or?" Ryder goes on to ask her "No right here is just fine" Lana replies "What's up?" Ryder asks "You were pretty quiet in the meeting everything okay?" Lana went on to ask "Yes i just haven't been feeling that well lately so i was a bit quiet but know that i am really happy for you" Ryder says smiling Lana then hugged her "You can tell me if something is wrong" Lana whispers to her "I know" Ryder smiled but inside she was sad she wanted to tell her she might be pregnant but it would be too risky "Good, i will go to my meeting then,Call me if you need anything" Lana said walking away "Same to you" Ryder shouts getting in her car when she got in her car she takes a deep breath before driving she drives down the road passing Hayes she kept driving down until she decided to pull over she went on her phone to call someone.

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