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Ryder opens her eyes slowly as she turns her head seeing Tommy sleeping, her cheeks heat up as she bites her bottom lip. Before her stomach aches as she remembers she hasn't eaten since the pizza. "Shit" she mumbles under her breath as she slowly moves the duvets off her as she sees Tommy's arm around her waist as she sighs blowing pieces of baby hairs that were in front of her face. She lifts his arm slowly as she gets out of her bed as she slips Tommy's t shirt on. She tips toes out of her room as she goes to the kitchen as her stomach aches as she frowns, looking in the fridge before making pancakes.

Tommy wakes up from the smell of the pancakes, he gets out of bed as he grabs his sweatpants leaving himself shirtless as he walks into the kitchen seeing Ryder cooking. He smiles as he walks up behind her as he wraps his arms around her waist as she lets out a gasp. "Good morning, Tommy " she says giggling as her cheeks heat up.

"Hmm, Morning, what smells so good?" he asks as he hides his face in her neck as she giggles "i am making pancakes. want some?" She replies smiling as she flips the pancakes.
"yes please" Tommy replies kissing her cheek before walking into the bathroom. Once he got out of the bathroom the pancakes were on the table, he sits down opposite Ryder who was eating the pancakes happily as he smirks at her before eating his pancakes. They started hearing people shouting and cheering outside "hmm I wonder what's going on" Ryder spoke up curiously as she stands up running outside.. Tommy Shakes his head as he stands up following the younger female as they both see Randy carrying Ray in his arms.

They cheered as everyone turned to look at Tommy and Ryder in confusion before smirking at both of them. Ryder starts to feel her cheeks heat up as Tommy bites his bottom lip feeling flustered. "Tommy my man" Curtis says out loud while the others just stand there looking at them smirking as Ryder hides her face with her hair. Tommy trying to break the silence "Good morning everyone" he says while scratching the back of his head still feeling flustered "Good morning to you too Tommy" Randy says smirking at him.

Ryder runs inside the apartment pulling some leggings on before running out of the apartment as she goes over to Ray "want me to move your stuff from Ramee's to Randy's?" she asks as her cheeks were still bright red "yeah that would be nice" ray replies smirking at her. Ryder nods as she runs into Ramee's apartment as she starts packing Ray's clothes but also hiding from a conversation about her and Tommy.

Randy places Ray in the wheelchair carefully as April holds the handles "You will be okay here, while I set up the room?" He asks her as she smiles nodding at him "yeah I'm sure April, Taco and Curtis will keep me company" Ray replies watching Randy walking into his apartment followed Ramee Following behind.

"So Tommy what was that about?" ramee asks as he walks in to the apartment Smirking at Tommy "I don't know what you are talking about what about you and April what's that about?" Tommy ignores his question as he Smirks slightly, Ramee looks at Randy "i don't know what you want me to say" Randy puts his hands up laughing "what about you and Ray?" Ramee raises his eyebrows as Tommy tidy's up his and Ryder's plates.

"yeah, what is up with that Tommy?" Randy says as he turns to Tommy rolls his eyes as he puts everything in
The dishwasher "you and Ray huh?" Tommy laughs "guys, this is just going to go around in circles" Ramee says shaking his head, Tommy bites his bottom lip remembering the conversation he had with Randy.

"So what is up with you and Ryder?" Randy asks Tommy as both of them were at the Observatory looking over at the city "What do you mean?" He asks as he felt himself get slightly flustered "oh come on you were both sick come to find out you were swimming" Randy says smirking as he raises his eyebrow at Tommy "wait how do you know?" Tommy asks looking at him worriedly "you think i wouldn't find out" Randy smirks as he leans against his car.

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