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Ryder woke up in the warmth of her bed, with her head pounding and her feeling slightly sluggish to get up as she wanted to stay in bed as she bites her bottom lip thinking about the night with Tommy at the swimming pool as she plays with her hair sighing. Ryder, she yawns rubbing her eyes and stretching before getting out of bed walking into the bathroom having a shower getting changed into shorts and a crop top, white hi top converse. She looks for some painkillers as her head was feeling more heavier, she sniffles a little.

"You don't look great" Ray spoke up as she walks into the kitchen looking at Ryder. "I'm fine, just a headache" Ryder replies as she finally found some painkillers in the draw as she lets out a sigh of relief. "Maybe, you should stay in bed" Ray says as she crosses her arms looking at the younger female who was now sneezing. "No, I'm not missing work" Ryder sniffles as she gets her bag with her clothes as Ray sighs knowing she won't get through to her as she watches Ryder leave her apartment.

Randy wakes up as he walks into the living room noticing his sister's bags as he smiles before shrugging his shoulders and leaving his apartment scrolling through twatter when a racing notification pops up on his phone as he looks at it before getting into his car joining the race on his phone. Randy arrives at the race as he remembers to mask up, he parked his car and gets out walking to the other racers that joined. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Tommy, he walks over to him as he noticed Tommy was sniffling and coughing, "woah are you sure you should be host of the race" randy says as Tommy shakes his head "I'm fine, it's just a cough" Tommy replies weakly as randy looks at him curiously.

The race was about to start, Randy went back into his car as the racers started to line up on the road. When his phone starts ringing as he sighs grabbing his phone seeing Ray's called ID as he answers it "Randy, please can you speak to your sister" Ray spoke up, he raises his eyebrows curiously "and why... do I need to do that" Randy replies as he puts his harness on "well she is sick... like really sick and she just left to go to work" Ray complains over the phone with frustration. "Wait she is sick too? "Randy spoke up as he finally realised what he said "wait who else is sick? Ray asks curiously as Randy bites his bottom lip "don't worry about it, I'll speak to Ry.. later" he replies as he ends the phone call causing Ray to be more curious and frustrated.

Ryder was finishing up her meeting with her colleagues as she felt slightly worse with her eyes were watering, but that didn't stop her. She was packing up her things when out of the corner of her eye she sees her brother's car drive into H&O as she smiles excitedly running towards him. "Randal" she says as she got closer before sneezing as Randy gets out of the car "Ryder get in now" he spoke to her sternly as she looks at him raising her eyebrows before looking down at her feet as she gets into his car. Ryder felt slightly confused as she thinks she has done something wrong as she sniffles as her eyes water more.

"You should of have stayed in bed" Randy speaks up as he drives out of H&O closing the garage gate. "I rather be working. And I can't cancel a meeting" she huffs in frustration crossing her arms. "You know Tommy has a cold too" Randy spoke as he slightly tightens his grip on the steering wheel as he drives back to the cubby. "Huh!? Tommy is sick" Ryder says in shock as her voice cracks. "Yeah, there must be a bug, going around right" He spoke up calmly not trying to get protective. Ryder bites her lip realising that her and Tommy are both sick causing her cheeks to turn a light shade of pink, remembering about their kiss while looking outside of the window "uh y-yeah there must be" she replies as she realises her brother was driving to Little Seoul cubby where there was a lot of people around.

Ryder got out of the car seeing Chang Gang, chilling talking to each other as she sniffles as she goes over to them. "You looking great Ry..." Curtis spoke up half smiling as she gives him a half smile sniffling. "Don't give me your sick germs to me" taco says teasingly smiling as she frowns "I won't" she spoke up as her voice cracks again. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Tommy's Car and Dean as they both walked towards the group, as Tommy starts sneezing. "Oh your sick too Ryder" Dean says slightly smirking as Ryder sighs not really wanting to deal with him right now. Tommy looks over at Ryder as she looks at him for a split second before turning around as the rest of the Mandem drive into the cubby, Ryder rubs her shoulders as she sees Adam letting out a sigh as the group were quiet as Dean continues "last time I saw you Ryder, you were completely fine. what happened?" Ryder looks at Tommy as he looks at her "well a lot has happened since then" she replies before sneezing, as Mandem joined the conversation. "What happened since then?" Adam suddenly speaks up sounding slightly Jealous as Lana stood next to him with her hands on her lips "What happened Ry...?" she looked at her best friend before looking at Tommy "Tommy do you know anything about this?" Lana spoke up wanting to know what they are talking about. Ryder felt slightly dizzy while Lana was talking before looking at Tommy as he looks at Ryder worriedly as he noticed she was getting pale as everyone was watching the events fold when Ryder falls into Randy's arms, he holds her as he checks her temperature.

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