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Ryder woke up rubbing her face as the plane landed in England, she lets out a sigh "Welcome Home" she mumbles to herself as she gets out of her seat before checking out and waiting for her luggage. She walked out of the airport once she got her suitcase as she walks outside of the airport find her mum waiting for her by her car. She runs towards her arms as she starts crying as she remembers.. what happened a couple of years ago.

Ryder found out her brother was leaving for America, and she wanted to go with him.. she couldn't live with out her best friend "Ryder, honey it is going to be okay" her mum says to Ryder who was upset that her mother would make him leave "Why does he have to leave to America?" Ryder says in frustration crying looking at her mum.  "You know how much of a trouble maker he is and it will be better for you my dear"  her mum tells her sternly  "Ok.. I'll stay " Ryder sighs as she cries into her mother's arms.

Ryder was with Tommy as it was his last day before he leaves for America, she would really miss him since she didn't really hung out with anyone else from school. "Please say hi to Randy for me" Ryder smiles as she looks at  Tommy "I will i promise" Tommy replies as he rolls his eyes playfully "Also make sure to message me and tell me everything that is going on. I am going to miss you" Ryder sighs slightly as tears formed into her eyes, Tommy sighs as he wipes her tears as he hugs her tightly "Yes ma'am i will make sure to keep you updated and i will miss you too" Tommy says pulling away before waving at her as he enters the airport "I love you" Ryder whispers under her breath.

Tommy and Ryder continued to keep in touch as she walked into the kitchen after finishing her college class "Mum, Randy is doing well!" Ryder says excitedly forgetting to keep it a secret that she doesn't want her to do anything with Randy not even hear his name "How do you know that?" Ryder's mum responds a bit frustrated "Oh i was talking to Tommy" Ryder responds knowing she messed up "Well you are not going to keep in touch with him, you understand me?" her mum says "Understood" Ryder responds with sadness in her voice "Good now let me see you text him not to contact you anymore" little did her mother know Ryder was still contacting Tommy through emails.

Once Ryder finished her years at college, she moved out of her mum's place so she could be more independent on her self. Especially she doesn't like her step father, she decided to work at a Cafe saving her money so she could move to Los Santos. When Ryder finally had enough money to move to America, she was too excited by calling Tommy straight away "Tommy!! I'm coming to see you" she says smiling as she was packing her suitcase still in her work clothes. "That's great Ryder!!, I can't wait to see you. I've missed you so much" Tommy replies smiling.

Ryder was excited as she was waiting for her plane as she kept checking the time, she jumped up as soon she heard that it was time to board the plane. Once she saw Tommy pull up in a taxi..her heart pounded out of her chest as her stomach flutters. As she thought to herself 'he's such a dork'. After he picks her up she listened to him as he explained what he does.. and about his friends who are also in the same gang as him and that he is the leader. "So the leader of a gang drives a taxi" Ryder raises her eyebrows as she looks at him "yeah" Tommy replies smirking at her as she pushes his arm playfully as she shakes her head.

Later on she met Tommy's friends, and the block. Tommy thought it be best if she had keys of his place but also Adam as he was second in command and he would be there for her if Tommy is busy doing something else. The group were sitting in the block in a circle "So.. you and Tommy stole a motorcycle?" Dean spoke up as he looked at Tommy and Ryder as they laugh "I mean it was a dare" Ryder replies smirking "can't say no to Randy Bullet" Tommy nods as he looks at Ryder as his heart pounds out of his chest.

Ryder was looking for a job as she only at $5000 to her name while entering the city, Adam and Patar suggested for her to work at the art gallery Vultur Lé Culturé. "What type of job do you exactly want?" Tommy asks as he was driving "uh something that gives me money duh?" Ryder says rolling her eyes causing the boys to laugh "maybe.. Ramee's business?" Patar speaks up as Ryder raises her eyebrows curiously "Ah yeah, the gallery be perfect for you" Adam says smirking at Ryder as she feels her cheeks slightly heat up. "Maybe I can put a word in" Tommy says shrugging his shoulders as he noticed Ryder and Adam as he tried to shake off his jealously.

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