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Ryder woke up in her prison bed frowning slightly as she rubs her eyes yawning as she slowly sits up on the bed as she sighs as her body aches slightly. She shook it off as she got up rubbing her stomach as it rumbled, she gets up walking out of her cells she walks into walks the cafeteria "You hungry?" a lifer asked Ryder she nods "I just made some food let me put it on a plate. Here you go" the lifer said handing her the plate "Thank you" Ryder responds as she took the plate walking to a table and sitting down she began eating when a lifer walked up to her "By the way the guy you were with had to leave the doc were getting upset he was staying longer than he should've" the lifer told Ryder "Oh ok, thanks for letting me know" Ryder says as she continued eating her food when she finished eating she walks to visitation when she saw Tommy and some of CG "Hi i wasn't expecting you all to be here" Ryder says in surprise "We had to visit you" Randy replies "Why are you all here?" Ryder asks raising her eyebrows to when Tommy explains everything he did after getting released.

Tommy sighed as he was sitting in his cell watching Ryder sleeping peacefully as he was stroking her hair softly as she stirs in her sleep. Tommy looks up at the door when he saw doc standing there Tommy sighed standing up walking to the door "Hello officer" Tommy greeted to officer "You have been here for quite some time Mr Tate" the officer told Tommy "I know" Tommy sighed "Think it is time for you to leave" the officer said opening the cell door Tommy walks out of the room "Want to say good bye?" the officer asked Tommy shakes his head "I'll let her sleep" Tommy says following the officer they get to the gate and the officer unlocked it Tommy walks out "Hope to not see you again especially not here" the officer said locking to gate "Same to you i guess" Tommy responded walking inside visitation to pick his stuff up.

"Thank you" Tommy said to the person who gave his stuff back he goes on his phone to call Moses "You out of jail?" Tommy heard Moses ask over the phone "Yeah, can you pick me up?" Tommy asked Moses "On the way" Moses said hanging up Tommy went outside waiting in the parking lot when he saw Moses pulling up with the rest of the Mandem Tommy went over to their car getting in "How was prison?" Lana asks Tommy was about to answer when Ved cut him off "How is Ryder?" Ved asks "She is on a 24hour hold i guess the 9s until her trial" Tommy answered Ved "Wait what? What did she do?" Lana asked confused "The cops found Lexi's body so that's why" Tommy replied they were driving to the Mandem block when Tommy spoke up "Can you drop me off at Little Seoul" Tommy says as Moses nods he then began driving to Little Seoul as Tommy explained everything.

They get to Little Seoul as Tommy gets out of the car so did Dean "Of course Dean is going with him" Patar said jokingly "What do you mean by that?" Dean asks looking at them "See you at the block" Tommy said as Moses started driving away they walk inside the cubby when they saw most of CG "Hi Tommy" Mari says "No hi to me" Dean asked offended "Sorry i didn't see you" Mari says rolling her eyes "Hi Tommy and Dean" Autumn says laughing "Why are you here?" Mr K asked looking at Tommy "I wanted to tell you guys about what happened with Ryder" Tommy explains "Ok yeah, Randy should be here to hear it then?" Mr K asked "He most likely should be" Tommy responds "I will call him up" Ramee says walking out of the garage holding hands with April "Hey its ya girl April" April says "Hi April and thanks Ramee" Tommy replies

Ramee nods at Tommy when he then goes on his phone to call Randy Dean was smirking at April "What do you want Dean?" April says rolling her eyes Dean looks at Ramee then at April "Yes me and Ramee are dating" April says smiling "Congrats" Tommy says as Ramee was walking back over to April "Randy should be here soon" Ramee says standing next to April they turn around when they hear a car and as Tommy thought it was Randy Randy and Ray stepped out of the car walking over to the rest of the group "Hii guys" Ray says walking over to stand next to the girls Randy just nodded hello to everyone "So what is going on with Ryder?" Mr K asked Tommy "So let me start from the beginning" Tommy replies "A couple days ago Ryder found out that Lexi lied to Adam about being pregnant. So Ryder being fed up with Lexi decided to go kidnap her with the help of Mandem of course. We got Lexi and took her to grapeseed where Ryder was going to torture  her, Ryder did not torture her she ended up shooting her once in the knee and then in the head. Lexi obviously died but the problem is she ended up touching some of the utensils there so her dna is on scene. Ryder is now on a 24 hour hold until her trial." Tommy explained to Chang Gang.

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