This One Goes to Eleven

Start from the beginning

Simmons: (surprised) Wow. (Discards his gun and picks up a launcher) That actually worked perfectly. Thanks!

Will: Good job.

Caboose: Great! How the heck did I do that?

Cut to Tucker running into the scene. He encounters Simmons and Will.

Grif: (off screen) Ow!

Tucker: Hey Simmons Will, what the hell is going on in there?

Simmons: You gotta help us! Do you know how to use that thing?

Tucker: My sword? Fuck yeah I know how to use it. What's to understand about swish-swish-stab? It's a fuckin' sword dude, it's not a fighter jet.

Will: We need your help!

Simmons: Just come and help me!

Delta: This plan may work.

In the storeroom, as Sarge Alex Ava and Grif stagger to their feet, Tex kicks a barrel towards them. Grif quickly ducks down and lets the barrel hit Sarge before getting up and firing his battle rifle, but Tex rolls forward to avoid the bullets. She then grabs Grif and Sarge by their throats and smashes their heads together before knocking Sarge away with some punches and kicks. Ava swings the sharp end of her needler Tex grabs Ava's arm and nocks rhe needler out of her outher and and twisted her arm then punches her in the gut and throws her to the side. Then turns to Alex punching him in he face then grabbing his head and hiting him with the knee then disarmed him and threw him into a crate with a unbalanced teleporter shaking once he hits the crate. Grif opens fire again but Tex knocks his rifle away and begins pounding on him with some powerful punches before knocking him to the floor, holding onto his right leg with one hand then raising her other in a fist.

Grif: Wait wait wait-!

Tex strikes Grif really, really hard in the crotch then kicks him across the room, right into a crate. Alex steps out of the way to avoid Grif. As he struggles to get up, Alex bends down to help his friend but  a teleporter falls on them and they fly out the other end just as Tex knocks Sarge aside. Ava steppes forwarded and raises a needler but is hit by Alex and nocked to the floor Tex notices the teleporter.

Grif: O-ho o-ho...

Tucker: (off screen) Hey, Sweet Cheeks!

Tex dodges a plasma grenade and a normal grenade  that zooms past her. Cut to Tucker, and Will who pulls out his sword and will pumps the second barrel of his assult rifle.

Tucker: Remember us? Step away from the idiot!

Will: Back off Bitch.

Tex slowly approaches Tucker  and Will and the three stand off. Simmons is seen mounting himself atop a crate from afar.

Simmons: Oh God, please don't let her see me...

Delta: I have adjusted the homing system and the targeting system.

Simmons: Thanks D.

A huge crate falls between Tucker, Will and Tex.

Caboose: (cheerfully) Yes! I saved Tucker! (beat, now depressed) Oh wait... I saved Tucker... (cheerfully) But I saved Will! 

Tucker: (angrily) Caboose, what're you doing? You're messing up our plan with Simmons! I was supposed to distract her for him!

Tex spins around

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