5. Meeting My Queen

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Light's POV-

I headed out of the metro as I walk towards Tohou...It was two blocks away, so I was walking slowly when I saw a girl being abused by some boys and another girl heading to them with her headphones on from other direction.

First I was unable to get what to do, then I completely started freaking out silently, as Ryuk chuckled at my behaviour. Damn it! I don't know their names, and I don't want to get the Shinigami eyes...What do I do? What do I do? I thought, as I saw the girl approach the abusers and talk to the bullies? Is she involved with them...But what I am seeing, I can't believe it...I just watched in awe and adoration at the girl as I saw her next moves...

Q's POV-

I was walking to my way to Tohou while listening to music when I saw that a girl about my age is being abused by 3 bullies. I get my headphones on my neck as I approach the ask in a sickly-sweet voice "Stop it or you'll regret doing it" when they started mocking me...

Kyoko AngerMode.exe Activated...

I controlled my anger as I took my black zip-up and tied its sleeves round my waist and threw my bag to the girl and gave a tight slap to the first bully, He started to get his pace to attack me with a punch when I stopped it with one of my hands and kicked him down. Then the other one sprung towards me. I pretended a roundhouse kick before punching him in the guts causing him to fall back when suddenly the third one got both my hands backwards.

I tried to jump to get my head to his height as he was slightly taller than me. I jumped as I stabbed my head in his face and at the same time, I crushed his legs with my shoes. He automatically went backwards while I proudly state with a pierceingly hard eye stare "An Eye for An Eye, My Dear Friend" while they run away and the girl who was on the down smiled.

I took my bag from her as I helped her stand up and helped dusting her clothes when she hugged me as thanks and I smiled at her sweet gesture, when she asked me if we both can walk along...There's still time, and she lives one block down Tohou, so, I agreed as we walked together and while I reached the gate the man standing there shouted "Hey the exams gonna start in 10 minutes, come fast"

"I intended to come three minutes before the exam starts...It's still too early for me to walk fast" I mention casually as I entered the building...

Light's POV-

This girl...has a a kind of intimidating aura. She's definitely strong, and smart and has a sense of justice. And she's beautiful too, I mutter as I stare at her beautiful black hair with blue and red locks and her charming black eyes...I want that smile. I want that courage. I want this girl...This one is surely mine, and she'll be the goddess of my new world...

I followed her to find out that she's also for the entrance exams...I was amazed when I hear her say "I intended to come two minutes before the exam starts...It's still too early for me to walk fast" ...She is definitely my style...She's too much perfect, strong, witty, beautiful and amazing...No matter what I'll make you mine, I muttered as I jogged a bit to catch up to her as I greet her "Um...Hello Miss—"

"Kyoko" she smiled as butterflies erupted my stomach and I again say "Nice meeting you miss Kyoko" while I was blushing and she again said "Nice meeting you too—" I cut her as we were in the stairs to on the way to our room "Light"

"Oh...Nice meeting you Light..." as she again gave a smile and walked past me...

Takako's (Kyoko's) POV-

"Shito, note Light Yagami." I whisper to Shito as he agreed and I went to my seat, which as the last one at the third row, to be more precise, I was sitting behind L...

So, we got the papers and it was of 3 hours...I finished them in one and a half hour as I already have taken entrance exams so many times before. I hand my answer sheet to the invigilator and he asks me astonished "Have you even done any questions?" as he checks that I've not left a single question. I sigh and sit back on my desk and got a quick nap while the others looked shocked at my behaviour....while Light just thought 'Kyoko, you're really someone...someone very impressive'

TIMESKIP (brought to you by Naruto's RasenShuriken)

Takako's POV-

I get up and ask Shito what time it is and he tells still 10 minutes are left before the exams are gonna end. I sigh as I wait for the ten minutes to pass. Well, I got a sweet power nap...Now I can work for some overtime I guess, I thought...As the bell rings, I get my bag and walk when suddenly I hear someone call and approach me...And it was none other than the great Light Yagami...Why is he so clingy? I thought as I put my best fake smile and greet him as he greets me and then he asked me how I can write so fast, to which I replied, it's because I studied well, so it wasn't a bother to me. I noticed Light was staring at me when I was not looking at him and blushed when we made eye contact...Who the fuck he thinks he is? If it wasn't for L, I'd had smacked his ass off by now, I thought as we both heard a voice searching for Light... I sighed in relied while he looked disgusted when he heard the voice...

Light's POV-

She's really cute when she smiles...We both were enjoying our silent walk but my expression changed as I heard Takada, Kiyomi Takada's voice...Huh... I internally sigh...Why did this girl ruin our moment...It was so peaceful, just me and Kyoko, and now this girl...I keep my temper low as I introduce her as my friend and then Kiyomi forced me to get to the bakery as a treat, so unfortunately, I had to leave my Kyoko alone...I hope we can meet again, I thought as I went with Takada...

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