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"I am—"

"I am—" 


You're Q, worlds' best female detective. You use different alias for different missions, and now you've got a new case, which is, to uncover the mystery of Kira, and find a way to stop these killings... So, right now, you're Takako, Takako Hara, who is watching the news from her smartwatch...
So, L got it confirmed that Kira lives in the Kanto region, and by luck, I had my last case near the outskirts of Kanto, so it's the perfect time to move in a start investigating. Suddenly you hear your phone ring, it was connected to the charger in your bedroom and you were on the couch, with your laptop. You say "Shito, connect the phone call here"
Shito, is your assistant. No, you got it wrong...More precisely, it's a program made by you, and you had advanced it to a level where it can do things like this easily...
"So, who is it?" I ask into the phone call when I heard a familiar voice. Watari. That's Watari's voice. That has to be. You had met Watari few months ago, that's why, it was obvious for you to point his voice out. "It's me, Watari...L wants you to join Kira Investigation Taskforce"
"Um, okay" I said. L is the greatest male detective of the world, and shares a tie with me. We both use different alias and stand as the top six detectives in the world, although, it's just me and L. "So, are you in NYC right now?" asks Watari

My base is in New York. Although I 'm never there, everyone thinks I'm there the most of the time, so continuing his fake belief I continue "NO, not in NYC rn (rn means Right now). So, I guess as the killings started in Japan, near Shinjuku and Kanto, and Also as the HQ is in Japan, along with the FBI agents sent by America, I have to move Japan immediately, right?" I say in my robotic like voice

"Impressive" thought L as he was listening to their conversation and Watari said it loud. "You just send me the address, right now, I'm in South Korea, I've already informed in my HQ, I'll be at your place in a few hours, till then..." as You cut the call
I arrive at the hotel, which was the current HQ of Kira Task Force...Lets Check who has L appointed to the Kira case. An idea crossed my mind. It was already time for dinner, so I grabbed the dinner trolley from the waiter saying that I'm going to the same room, I can get it, and asked him to send my suitcase up after seven minutes. I open the door as I say "Hello everyone, I'm Takako Hara, I work here part time, here's your dinner"

Your POV-
I notice there was Watari, a pale looking man with black messy hair, Chief Yagami and three other people. I continue with my sweet voice "Sir, actually, I need to create the bill, so can I get the names of everyone in this room?" And to my utter shock they all gave me their real names except Watari and of course, L. My suitcase arrives and I close the door as I say "If I was Kira, you all would be dead by now." I open my laptop and start working as a man named Matsuda asks me "Who are you, and did you give us your real name?" to which I was completely pissed, but I controlled my temper and said "I'm Q, and I didn't, it was obviously my alias." I got my hands into my pockets and said "Here are yours" taking out the cards and belts while Watari explained their function when I asked "Didn't L tell you guys about me?"

L's POV-
Watari has already informed Q, she'll be coming here soon. It's the first time I'm gonna work with her, so I hope everything goes fine...Right now, we're waiting for her and now, a waitress, well, she doesn't look like, she wore a white crop top with black jacket, navy blue jeans, a watch and had her hair in a ponytail. She surely doesn't look like a waitress, but who is this girl— and wait, is this Q? Well, there is a chance...She asked us for our names after introducing herself, and I gave my fake name along with Watari, when a suitcase arrives and she closes the door, introducing herself as Q

Clandestine (Light x Fem.Detective Reader x L Lawliet)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu