3.Theories? Can be Useful

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L's POV-

"Okay...I need to use the restroom. Please continue, I'll be back soon" she said as her head was towards the ground and he went to the direction of washroom when I heard her mumble

"Don't react"


"don't react"


"don't react"

I went after her quietly to see what happened. She got into the bathroom and closed the door "Don't break up...Relax. Control yourselves...Don't cry"

"Don't fucking cry"

she said last as she dropped to the ground and her shadow looked like clutching her knees, she was sobbing

"Why does everyone...every.one close... to me...fucking leave me alone...Again...And again...Its...My fault. Why did I advise Miso to shift to Japan with Penbro...? Why did I? Her parents...could've come N.Y.C., why did I? Why fucking did I?"

No one's POV-

L was outside the bathroom hearing everything happened there. He wanted to go inside to comfort her, to embrace his body in her arms, but he wasn't able to. Suddenly he heard her again "Miso...Yes! Miso! She's the point..." I saw her shadow getting up and heard some splashes of water.... "Miso...She got something, that Penbro knew...Only her and Penbro...regarding the investigation...I get it! That must be! She got the lead that we need. She got it, but Kira got her before she could contact us, I know what to do now..."

She opens the door and went to the living room and said "Mr. Matsuda and Mr. Ukita, write down the symptoms before death and timings of victims who died between 19th to 27th December, I have their names and causes of death. If you find something weird, report later..."

"But what happened, Takako?" asks Chief

"We can get a major clue for the case, Chief. No more wasting time. Chief, L, Mr. Moogi, continue investigating Penbro" she said. She stopped for a breath and said "Mr. Aizawa, and check the CCTV of NPA's 'so called' HQ of Kira Investigation department to see whom Miso, I mean Miss Misora contacted in the building. Also report if you find someone who is neither from the department nor is related to the case. If anything, suspicious is there, report..." she again paused for a breath

"Long story short about why I'm in a hurry. I realized that Misora must have gotten the clue we were searching for, she must be investigating Penbro's death when she found it out. Probably she investigated the places Penbro last went before he died...If I do the same, and keep Miso, got something, in mind, we may get the major clue we're looking for..." she completed as she rushed to her table and got her watch on...

L's POV-

Looks like she finally got some inspiration. These deaths would not go in vain; we'll surely track you down Kira...

No one's POV-

"Takako, did you—" Shito was cut by Q as she said "Yeah, yeah. I slept. I'm fine. We need to track the places Penbro visited before he died...Just keep check of CCTV's we get, they could help" while wearing her shoes and aid to the rest of the team "I'm heading out..."


L's POV-

It's been 7 hours since she went out...Still no word from her...Is she fine? She should be fine. She's Q Afterall...Should I call her? I should call her, just to get the report ...I mumbled as I called her but she declined the call...I tried again when there was a knock on the door revealing it to be Q

Clandestine (Light x Fem.Detective Reader x L Lawliet)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora