I love you, not hate you

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Stiles' POV :

"So ghouls have been hiding out in the woods. They've eaten about 4 people so far, we've gotta get it under control before it spirals out of hand" Scott started.  

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious boy genius" Peter remarked from the corner.  

"What's he even doing here? I mean with him around we're always going to be looking over our shoulders"  

Derek growled back "As far as I'm concerned, there's only one person here that shouldn't be so drop it McCall"  

"Are you serious Derek? You asked me to come-"  

"Not you"  

"Then who?" the question hung in the air, because everyone knew the answer. The fact that every eye avoided mine only proved my theory more.  

"He isn't pack or supernatural but he seems to be here every meeting" before Derek could close his mouth again Scott was pushing away from the table, standing in a huff.  

"Let's go Sti-"  

"No Scott you stay"  


"No it's fine it's uh... It's me who isn't welcomed here. They can use your help, just stay. I'll uh, I'll see you tomorrow buddy" and like it was killing him he watched me walk out the door. I tried to hold in the sobs sitting on the edge of my throat, but they escaped anyways and I'm sure they all heard. Just another pathetic move.  

Our parents had been married for three years and we'd been living together for five. So I had grown accustom to knowing when someone arrived or left. Scott came trudging inside only an hour after I had left. I heard the door squeak as he poked his head in to check in on me. Not wanting the confrontation I just played sleep.  

Scott was livid the next morning. I didn't have to be supernatural to feel the anger rolling off of him. And my constant reassurance only helped a bit. I never really realized how the Hale pack had become part of my life until after that meeting. They hardly even spoke to me, when Erica would normally wait for me by my locker, that space was empty, the lunch table Boyd used to accompany me at had a vacant spot. The tree Isaac used to stand at to wait for a ride home was now just a lonely tree.  

It wasn't until after school almost two weeks later when Scott had finally calmed down and he actually seemed to relax "I'm sorry dude. I just can't believe he treated you like that, and everyone just stood by and watched. I tell you I'm not having sex with Isaac for at least a month" he huffed out "I can't even sit through these meetings without wanting to claw his eyes out"  

I chuckled lightly "Yeah, but he's right man I'm not pack. There really is no place for me, I don't belong"  

"As long as I am living you'll belong somewhere. You'll always be my family" He smiled jumping up from where he sat on the floor "C'mon I'll buy you a slushie"  

I was sipping hard on my blue raspberry mix when the car began to rattle I looked over to find Scott's dark eyes now a burning crimson red "It's Derek" he exhaled.  

We Parked on the edge of the woods, and for five minutes after Scott argued with me for wanting to stay in the car. He got his way in the end.  

Derek's ears pricked up first seemingly smelling my uneasy and unhappiness "What's he doing here?"  

"He's my brother. We were together nearby, you called me didn't you?"  

"You, not him. Take-"  

"He stays."  

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