Patching up sourwolf

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Stiles POV:

Stiles knew he had to hurry, Scott just texted and told him Derek had been seriously hurt, Stiles had never run so fast in his life once he got the location of where they were, Stiles remembered to grab the special herbs Deaton had entrusted him with the last time Derek got himself into a situation like this, the guy was really reckless when it came to his life, Stiles could not let anything happen to Derek so he knew he had to get there quickly, he couldn't live with himself if he was late to save his life.  

When Stiles arrived, He saw Derek leaning against a tree, Scott had set him down miles away from where it happened so Stiles could save him without their newest enemy coming and disrupting them, Derek had blood coming out of his side, Stiles knew he had to act fast because whatever was done to him was not healing fast enough,  

"Derek!" Stiles called out as he slumped down beside him, "How could this happen?" Stiles questioned, "Whatever, right now you need to breathe as I put the herbs on the affected area," Stiles told him as he saw that Derek was having a hard time keeping his eyes open,  

"Stiles, I'm fine," Derek told him as Stiles scoffed, He knew it was just the loss of blood that was talking,  

"Yeah, Right," Stiles shook his head as he got the herbs ready keeping a close eye on Derek, "Just hold still," Stiles instructed,  

Stiles got the herbs on his fingers and lightly applied them to the cut on Derek's side, He felt nervous because he knew a bunch of things could go wrong according to what Deaton had told him, he knew he was doing it the right way by the glow that came off of the healing wound, he knew it was a process but he was glad it was working, Stiles looked up at Derek and could see his eyes opened more clearly and Stiles couldn't make out his expression, He could tell Derek was lost in thought. 

Derek's POV:

Derek watched as Stiles lightly applied the herbs Deaton must have given him, Derek never noticed before but Stiles had always been there for him, whenever something happened, it was always Stiles who came to his rescue, Derek hoped Stiles knew how grateful he was, The boy was amazing and smart, Derek had always thought fondly of him and as he laid still and watched Stiles take care of him Derek suddenly came to a realization, but it scared him, Derek's heart began to beat fast as he stared at the boy, maybe it wasn't just admiration that Derek was feeling towards him, He had always thought of Stiles fondly, but he also found that Stiles was on his mind all the time, how did he only just realize that as Stiles took care of him?  

Derek knew he was getting too lost in thought but he didn't care, Derek figured out that he has feelings for Stiles and now that he was thinking like this, the clearer it became to him, he had no idea when it started but as he kept focus on Stiles, he knew he had feelings for him, he never let himself think of this because he didn't think it could even be a possibility, they had spent so much time together this past year that his feelings grew without him realizing it, how did he not realize? Wouldn't that be obvious to him? Apparently not. Derek could now see Stiles staring at him, he hadn't even realized he was all healed up,  

"Derek?" Stiles asked, "Is something wrong?" Derek could see the worry on his face that made Derek's heartbeat,  

"I have feelings for you," Derek said suddenly before he could even process what he had said, He watched as Stiles' eyes widened, "I know it is sudden but I don't think I should pretend I don't," Derek whispered as Stiles sat up,  

"I have feelings for you too," Stiles replied with a blush spread across his features and Derek could feel his face heat up as well,  

Derek felt himself leaning forward and he could see Stiles doing the same, Derek knew the confession was quick and not romantic so Derek took the step and placed his lips on Stiles', Derek felt Stiles move forward and touch his cheek as he kissed back, it was everything Derek had subconsciously imagined and more, he could taste mint as he continued to enjoy the luxury of Stiles' mouth, When they pulled apart they stared into each other's eyes and Derek knew they were going to lose track of time.

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