looking for a dead body and finding a suppose to be dead person

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Stiles' POV:

As everyone knows I am very nosy and tend to get into thing that I shouldn't. So you can imagine what it's like to be the son of a sheriff, it's not like I do it on purpose I'm just to curious for my own good everyone says it even my mom and aunt Talia used to say it hence the nickname Mischief. Aunt Talia was my moms best friend they were like sisters and everyone knew it, the best part about it was that she was a werewolf. And I say was because she died in a fire when I was 9 and then my mom died when I was 10.

So here I am in my dads office that's across the hall from my room looking through his case files, when I come across one that peeks my interest. It's about a body being found in the woods just 5 minutes away from my house, but that not what caught my interest it's the fact that it was only half the body that was found. According to what's written down, by the looks of things they assume it was an animal to kill the Victim, but looking at these pictures I can tell it wasn't just a normal animal I mean my aunt was a werewolf for crying out loud. So now naturally I want to look for the other half of the body and who else better than to do it with than my best friend in the world Scott McCall.

Getting Scott to agree was less than harder than I thought, all I have to do is do his homework for him for 2 weeks. As I'm walking to Scott's I can't help but think of Derek Hale who is Aunt Talia's son he is a werewolf to. He has dark brown almost black hair and forest green eyes, whenever I went over to their house he would turn into a wolf and curl around me or in my lap so I could stroke his fur, it was always so soft. But he died in the fire too I really miss him and can still remember his scent/smell. I must of been so lost in thought I didn't realise Scott was already waiting for me and is now waving his hand in front of my face "you ok dude" he asked "yeah I'm fine, lets go apparently they only found the bottom half of the body so we are searching for the top half" I explained as I passed him a flashlight as we walked toward the woods.

Walking in the woods, I noticed it's the same woods the Hale house was in and I don't know if its my imagination or not but I swear I can smell Derek's scent. I also keep thinking I see his eyes but I can't be he's dead and has been for 7 years. I think Scott has noticed my far away look because he asked "are you okay stiles you looked like you were thinking" "yeah I'm fine lets head towards the river there might be something there as it's close to where the other piece was found" I told him turning to walk the way the river is. But someone stepped out from behind a tree and I nearly fainted but stumbled back a step or two.

Derek's POV:

Today has been really stressful I have been looking for my psychopathic uncle for months now and it has lead me back to my childhood town Beacon Hills. Everywhere I go around the woods or near the high school I can smell a familiar scent, that gets me thinking of my first friend I ever had he was like my brother. We called him mischief and he called me sourwolf because I acted grumpy around other people that wasn't my family.


"mum when will aunt Claudia and mischief get here" I turned to my mum who was chuckling while drying off the dishes that she had just finished. "soon Der soon why what are you and mis-" she didn't get to finish her sentence because the door was threw open "sourrrrwooolf" came the sing song voice of mischief "mischief" I laughed as I pulled him into a hug and raced him to my room.

*end of flashback*

I miss Mischief more than anything, and I can't find my uncle it's now practically the middle of the night when I see two teenage boys walking around my territory.

I snuck behind a tree that was in front of them, but something seemed familiar about the boy with the buzzcut and with the way he was constantly rambling on. They started to turn to walk in the direction of the river and that's when I decided to step out.

The boy with the buzzcut stepped back in shock "what are you doing here this is my property" I asked in an intimidating voice, the taller boy out of the two was about to step forwards, but the boy with the buzzcut stopped him. "Scott don't I've got this just stay there" he ordered walking closer to me, I was going to step back but before I could he was already in front of me. He placed his hands on my face and for some reason it didn't bother me.

He looked me in the eyes and something about his eyes seemed familiar just like the rest of him, but it wasn't till he said that one word that I figured out why he felt so familiar and the bond I felt with him made sense.

He leaned up to my ear and whispered "sourwolf" at that I gasped and pulled him back. "Mischief" I breathed out barely believing what I'm seeing, he nodded and hugged me "I've missed you so much you have no idea" Mischief chocked out I just held him saying 'Me too, Me too' it felt so good to have him back with me he's the only family I've really got left.

Stiles' POV:

I have my brother back, he's back. pulling away from the hug but not moving far because I know Derek's wolf will have a cow because it's found a pack member after being separated for so long.

Turning around to face Scott I introduce them to each other "Scott meet Derek Hale, Derek meet Scott McCall" they both just nodded to each other "By the way I think uncle Peter is in these woods Derek I can smell his scent" I whispered to Derek.

He just nodded and pulled me close I sighed content. 'We went out looking for a dead body, but ended up finding a supposed to be dead person and I couldn't be mad a finding him at all' was my thought as we all set of to find Peter.

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