An act

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"So how bad is it" I asked.
"Bad, 30 million lost sir ."

Fuck, things are getting worst as it is right now. Our ports are being block, keeping us from distributing and now this.
Nothing will keep me from getting to him, not after he tried to kill my son or what he did to Victoria.


"Fuck" was all I could say. I knew. I knew were I was, and who took me. I didn't even have it a second thought because I knew.
"I've seen you finally awake."

I took one deep breath and let another out.This room, it brought so many tainted memories along with that voice. Memories I wish I didn't remember.

My mouth was so dry that I couldn't get a word out but just sit up and looked at him.
"Here you've been out for three days now."

He passed a cup of water but I refuse to take it.
"There's nothing in the water doll" he chuckled.

I slowly grab the water from the night stand and drink it faster than I attended to.The burn on my throat started to fade and moister started to come back.

"I forgive you doll, even after everything you've done" he said. His emotions went from 10 to 5 real quick.
I laughed and laughed. I might as well be going crazy.
"The audacity" I laughed.

"You forgave me, that's the most amazing thing I've ever heard. Thank you so much for your forgiveness the one and only great Dmitri" I laughed.

He came rushing to the bed and grab me by the hair. "Tell me, was it all a lie mhh. To escape, because I damn well know the way you where holding me at night weren't."
"Well I guess I'm just a pretty good lier because I could never, never love someone like you?" I said but it turn out more to be question to myself.

He chuckled, " lie to me but don't lie to yourself doll. Now get some rest." And he left.
It was all game right? A plan and none thing. Just pretend but was it real? I was just trying to get back.

I sigh, all this time all I could think of is killing him and here I am thinking if I I ever felt something for him.


"Doll, I hope one day you can truly forgive. I can never say what I did because I himself feel disgusted, ever hurting you in that way."
"One day" I said.

I felt warm lips touch my forehead and a warm embrace came after that.
"What are we doing here" I asked.

"Where going ice skating. Didn't you like to skate when you where younger" he asked.
"Of course you would know that you weirdo" I chuckled.

It's been a while since I've been on the ice. I got into a car accident with my brother, one night from partying.

It was hard to keep my balance at first but muscle memory started to come back and soon I was flying through the ice. Dmitri in the other hand was struggling to stay up and would always fall back.

"Here" I reach my hands out.
"Thanks" he smiled.
"You have to be almost light on your feet, don't think about it to much."

He grabbed my hands and we skat along the ice with him getting better and better each time.

"Want me to let you go" I asked?

"Uhh, yea sure" he said nervously. I let him go for only to drag me down along with him.

We just laughed.

Laughed at our fall, we probably look stupid but we couldn't stop laughing.
"You're, amazing doll." His breath slowed down as I felt warm lips glaze mines.

"Can I kiss you" he asked. And I nod.

He kiss me on a cold ice floor and I nodded.
This is all going with the plan to get out and warn my brothers.
That's what I would always tell my self in small moments like this.

Flashback ends.


I can't believe she got taken on my watch, my watch.
Many shit is going through my head ,what she must be going through.
If only I stayed with her or took her with me.

I pour another bottle of whiskey to my cup, am never the one to drink. In fact I hated it but that's the only thing preventing me from going crazy right now.

"Come in" I said.
"What have you found" I asked.
"Sor...sorry boss we di-" he mumbled.

I got mad every angry at the words coming out of his mouth. I've been hearing these word for the pass three days.
With Victoria gone, shit falling to the ground, and my man's acting like pussies I just want to shit everything on site.

I throw the liquor at the walll and said, "I've gave you three fu*king days now you've got three hours before I start putting holes in your head one by one."

"F*ck" I yelled out.

The man I call father decided to barge in my office, he's lucky there isn't a hole in his head.
"I've never thought I could be more disappointed. First your whore if a mother now this whore you soon too call wife."

"What the F*ck did you say" I yelled.
"Watch your mouth bo~" he didn't get to finish that sentence because a hole was through his head.

Killing him now just made thing ten times harder since he still had loyal men. Not only we have a war going on but now a civil one, I never thought I would ever be down this far.
But nothing will stop me from getting to HER.

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