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I woke up to a nice comfy bed under me. I turn my head to look around and it was dark with the curtains hiding the sun away.
My mouth was dry Beyond to say any words and my back felt as it was on fire.

I was laying down on my stomach with a dress that seem the back was left open. I didn't want to move from where I was, I just lay there. Probably for hours to as I watch the light from the windows die down.
Tears probably stain my face white and soak the pillows wet because that's all I did.

I was ashamed of myself, for not even fighting as hard as I can. I did this to myself, mines. It was all my fault that he rape me and I didn't know how to live with that.

I was pathetic , all I was good for is to lay there and cry, did I give up? Maybe I just don't wanna fight anymore because it's to much. I'm probably never getting out of this hell hole, those bastards already dig a hole 6 feets for me.

All I can think of is probably ending my miserable pathetic life, I can never be or breathe the same air as that monster.
I heard the door open but I didn't care to turn a face.

The person stood there watching me from the bed, it didn't take a genius to know who it was. His scent invaded the room when the doors open, the scent of burning wood and strong Cologne is never hard to miss.

I never turn my head, not once as I hear him walking to the bed. I quickly closed my eyes not wanting to even look at the monster that was before me, a coward I know I was.

"I know your awake doll" he said trailing his hands on my back. He pushed my hair from my face and caressed my face.
"Don't worry doll they won't leave any scars" he said as he grab a cup of water and lift me up on a sitting position.

He place the cup to my lips and I took the water. It felt good as the water goes down my dry throat bringing moisture back in my mouth.
"I'm sorry doll I may have been a little to rough but you gotta understand from where I'm coming from. I can't look soft in front of my man doll" he said as he touch my chin but I pull back.

Not saying a word, I was honestly to stunned to speak, with them thinking I'm dead there's no way out of here.
"What are you planning to do to my family" I asked?

He sighed and sits at the edge of the bed and said, "don't worry doll, once I got them all ill no give them a fast death since you soon will be my wife."

All that was going through my head at that moment was my family, I couldn't live with myself if they where died. I just couldn't but I'll have to try for them.

I'll get out.


Victoria as been quit , being a good girl ever since she woke up. I think I finally did, broke her. Now she knows my plans for her family, I'll be the only one she has felt.
Everything is falling perfectly well together and with those f*ckers dead all I have to do is make her my wife to claim all their sh*t.

"S*it" I sigh. Knowing her she probably won't stop trying but that's why I had them removed that birth control she had in her arm.
With a baby, my baby she will be happy. And if she acts up I'll just take it away.

I hated how I had to whip her and I hope I don't have to do it again but if she keeps that's attitude of hers it will have to continue.
Even in the worst conditions, she was beautiful. Her light caramel skin pales as snow yet her brown eyes made the sun set.

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