"Proper Wife"

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I woke up with a raging headache and a blurry vision. I touch my head to find almost dry blood with my legs chain to the wall.
"F*ck" I said to myself.

Worry flood through me as what will happen here. My brothers must be ok, I hope they are.
This is why I've always hated Russians.
(A/n I love you Russians)

The cell door starts to open and than walks the one and only Dmitri.
"Looks who awake" he chuckled.

"Even when you covered in blood and dirty your still beautiful" he kneeled down.
"You know this is an act of war right, what the bloody hell do you want from me" I yelled.

"Oh isn't it clear, I want you doll" he smirk.
"Are you f*cking kidding me, is it really that hard to get a f*ck that you have to kidnap someone" I said.

"I didn't kidnap you doll, I just simply took what was mines" he grab my face.
"And I suggest you watch yourself if you know what's good for you"he said calmly.

I spit on his face which lead me getting backhand across the face.
"Maybe sometime here will break you" he pulled me up from my hair.

My hands and feet where all chain into a stupid brick wall so escape chance right now is zero.
He ripped my dress that was on me and threw me back on the floor. I felt cold water hitting my body which made me huddled up.

"I really don't want to have to hurt you doll but I must say I will enjoy breaking that little strong willed mind of yours" he chuckled and left the cell.

It's been hours, no days, maybe minutes all I knew was I've been here for a long a*s time and it freezing. My skin was pink to the touch and numb, my lips where dry as I wanted the need to drink water.

I decided to close my eyes and pray that i will be free soon.

I open my eyes to see I'm no longer in the the dark cell but a beautiful room and on a comfy mattress.
"Morning miss" a lady said.

"I'll be checking your temperature" she said.
I felt my hole body burning and my head throbbing.
"What day is it" I asked.

"It's Thursday miss" she said. I've been in that damn whole for nearly 3 days.
"Where's some water and some pills for the fever" she said.

I was hesitant to take the pills so I only drink the water since my throat was burning. She than came with some food of a plate but I push it away.
"Please eat miss, Mr.Volko will kill me if I go out there with a full plate" she plead.

She had scars all over her hands with her back mutated with more.
I didn't want to bring up memories so I took the plate and started to eat a little.

"I'm begging you for your own good, don't let your pride make you get hurt...it's...it's not worth it"she said. I petty her, the fear she has for him. What did they do to her.

I didn't respond back to her I just nodded but of course I wasn't going to give in easily. The door open and there he came in.

He grab the girls hair smacking her to the ground and said, "did I tell you to have a conversation."

"No please, please I'm sorry" she begged.
"Maybe you still haven't learn from those scars, should I let my man play without you more" he asked with a smirk.

"She was just telling me I should eat nothing more" I said.
"Leave" he told the girl.

"I'm glad your better, I must apologize since you where never taught the proper ways of a women" he said touching my forehead.
I move my head from his touch but he held my chin.

"Don't worry Doll , I'll teach you" he said and left the room.

2 weeks later.

It's been 2 weeks since I've been in this room and I haven't been out of it yet. He has lock me in the room and everyday this lady would come in and teach me how a "proper lady" should act.
I have to read this book everyday and take quizzes on the lesson.

I didn't gave anyone here a hard time especially if they where a girl because I know everyday they've fighting to stay alive.
I didn't want any one to get hurt cause of my stubbornness.

A proper Wife

1) A women should never define her husband

2) A women is their husbands servant, they must do his will at all time

3) A women should be loyal to only her husband even though he isn't because it's her fault she doesn't please him.

4) A women should please her husband whenever he what's.

5) Her husband owns her so he has the well to do what ever with her.

I was getting sick of the this book so I close it and decided to take a warm shower. There wasn't any locks in any of the doors inside the room so I always made sure I was quick.

I got out of the shower and wrap my towel around my body and walk out to the room.

I almost drop my towel in till I heard a voice said, "I've got to say, you've got the most beautiful pair of legs I've ever seen doll" he said.

"What do you want" I asked. He stalks toward me like a predator hunting a prey.
"That's no way for a lady to talk but I'm gonna let that one slide doll" he chuckled.

"I heard you've been behaving doll, I must say I thought you would have put on a fight" he said.
"Well don't worry puto im just waiting the right moment to slit your throat" I said.

"If you say I don't act like a lady than you don't act like a gentleman. Walking in on someone changing" I fired back.
"Oh doll I thought you would understand by now, I own you. I'll do what ever I wish and please with you" he chuckled.

He stalked to me holding my chin and said, "I'll rather take you willing doll and not forced. It's your choice really, right I heard your all about woman's rights" he said.
"Am gaving you a choice doll but don't worry I won't touch you tonight but can't promise about tomorrow"he chuckled and walked out.

I had to find a way out here, I have to.

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