What the heck was going on...

As Taehyung gnawed on a huge steamed bun, his eyes darted all over the place shiftily. He looked like a suspicious person up to no good.

Jungkook used the top of his chopsticks to rap Taehyung's forehead lightly. "Eat properly."

Taehyung swatted him away. He took a bite of his bun and chewed for a while before swallowing it. Then, he asked, "Jungkook, so what did you want to tell me? You better not be planning to sell me a credit card after acting so mysteriously."

"We'll talk after the meal."

Regarding his "good news", Jungkook did not want to reveal it in front of Yukhei.

Taehyung felt that Jungkook was quite obstinate. Therefore, he changed the topic and looked at Yukhei instead. "Yukhei, why are you feeling down?"

"I'm in a pretty good mood."

"Oh. That's good." Taehyung thought that Yukhei did not want to share his troubles. As a result, Taehyung did not continue prying.

The atmosphere of the entire meal was a little odd. Even as a mini expert at livening things up, trying to do so during this meal made him feel dispirited. When the meal was finally over and the three of them could part, Taehyung saw barely contained impatience on Jungkook's face. Taehyung felt that Jungkook had something to tell him and thus let Yukhei leave first.

Jungkook brought him to a remote corner with not many people around. He watched Taehyung with a smile.

Jungkook had an attractive-looking pair of lips that was paired with an even set of teeth. When he smiled, his smile was warm and dazzling just like a ray of sunlight. Along with his gentle expression and limpid gaze, this smile was currently like a reminder of all the good and beautiful things on earth.

Nevertheless, Taehyung was a little thrown off. Being used to Jungkook's usual behavior as an annoying piece of trash, his sudden attitude change to that of a pure and earnest person made him feel like something was amiss. He was bewildered and at a loss-just like how a person planning to eat instant noodles would feel upon discovering that the seasoning packet was missing.

The fact that Jungkook was not provoking him made him insecure.

Is this how masochists feel...

"So, what's up with you?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook did not reply to his question. "Do you still want to ice skate?"

Taehyung was baffled. "I'll ice skate whenever I want. Why? Jungkook, you can't possibly be finding another excuse for me to be your little eunuch again, can you?"

"I'm not talking about simply going to the ice rink. I meant... speed skating."

At hearing the words "speed skating", Taehyung's heart lightly pounded for a few beats.

He opened his mouth, his brows drawn together. He tried and failed to speak several times. Finally, he said, "Jungkook, stop picking at this wound of mine. Yes, I want to, but if wishes were horses, beggars would ride..."

"I've told your story to the speed skating team's Coach Jung. Coach Jung promised to give you a chance." Jungkook quirked his lips and patted the others shoulder. "Do your best for it."

After saying this, he slotted a hand into his pocket and strode off without waiting for Taehyung to react. Stunned, Taehyung froze for a few seconds before chasing after Jungkook. Taehyung trailed closely next to him. Bright-eyed and animated, he asked, "Really? I've asked the school team previously when I first started school but they didn't even bother to reply to me."

Jungkook felt somewhat pleased with himself. His steps did not slow at all as he said, "Your Jungkook-hyung is still someone with some capabilities."

Feeling exhilarated, Taehyung did not feel that he was showing off. He scooted next to Jungkook obsequiously and heavily clapped down on his arm. "Jungkook-hyung!"

Jungkook cracked a smile. He stopped his steps and turned his head to glance at Taehyung.

Taehyung looked up at him, a smile on its face as well. "Jungkook, let's bury the hatchet."

"Oh?" He raised a brow.

"You see, I admit that I bullied you occasionally when we were young. However, haven't you more or less get your revenge on me by now? We can even be considered comrades since we've teamed up and battled together before. Let the past stay in the past. We'll take it that the both of us got even, alright?"

Jungkook raised his head and gazed at the azure autumn sky. He looked to be lost in thoughts. After a while, he slotted his hand back into his pocket and continued walking.

Taehyung pitter-pattered after him.

Walking behind him, Taehyung heard him exhale a soft sigh that sounded as if he had the world weighing on his mind.

"It's impossible to get even," Jungkook said.

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