Chapter 43~ The wedding

Start from the beginning

No way

I feel my eyes go glossy as I get closer and closer with each step to see the pin clearly. Two years ago I gave it to him and told him how it was my dadda's and he wanted my husband to wear it as he says 'I do'. I didn't tell or ask him to wear it, but he did.

"You okay?" Athena whispers ever so quietly and I can only nod as I blink the tears away, god I love him so much. I love my Ares so fucking much it hurts to think of myself without him.

She placed a small kiss on my cheek as she was going to help me up the two steps, but before she could I see Ares step down one of the stairs and put his hand out for me.

My eyes meet his as I raise my hand and interlock our fingers, there are a few laughs and chuckles from the audience I didn't pay a second of attention to when he wraps an arm around me as I step on my dress and go to fall on my face.


Even the priest laughs under his breath with a small head shake when my husband slams his lips on mine, my eyes shut and I feel my eyebrows pull together when he kisses me before the ceremony has even started.

"How'd I get so lucky?" he whispers more to himself before pecking my lips and helping me stand in front of him, a blush decorates my cheeks as I meet eyes with him.

The priest doesn't even have to tell us to hold hands, our hands are already in each other's, he has the prettiest smile ever, with the dimple on his left cheek popping and his eyes still glossy for some reason.

"Today we are here to celebrate the love of Ivy Livia West and Ares Oliver Knight," the priest starts and I smile when he says his middle name, my Olly.

I should feel bad but by accident I block out the priest's voice as I look at the man who's going to be my husband in a few minutes, he's the man I want to see last before I fall asleep, he's who I want to see when I wake up, I want to be in his arms, start a family with him.

And I finally get the chance to.

"Do you, Ares Oliver Knight, take Ivy Livia West to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer or for poor, in sickness and health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

My eyes meet his and he smiles, not an ounce of hesitation in his voice as he replies with two words that will bound us together. "I do" hearing those words come out of my Olly's lips makes me feel some sort of relief.

"And do you, Ivy Livia West take Ares Oliver Knight to be your lawfully wedded husband, promise to love and cherish through your joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenge you two shall face. For as long as you two live?"

My eyes flutter as I look at him, a smile lighting up on my face as I speak. "I do" and with those two words the crowd cheers and my husband's gorgeous smile gets bigger.

"And I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss-" Ares doesn't even let the priest finish his sentence before he's pulling me closer by our interlocked fingers and slamming lips against mine.

"You may kiss your bride" the priest finishes off with a small chuckle when Ares shows no sign of letting go of me.

My eyes fluttering shut as my hand lands on his chest, his hand letting go of mine to cup my cheek lightly and kiss me like it's the first time ever. Butterflies built a habitat in my stomach as I felt his lips move against mine.

How much I love him can't be told in words

It's not a needy kiss, it's nothing but pure love that he kisses me with. Soft movements of his lips against mine make me smile against him and he pulls me closer, trying to cut all the air out between us.

But my puffy dress doesn't let him, at least it's pretty?

The priest's laughs and the crowd's clapping we ignored, but when the fireworks -that in fact I had no idea about - started in the sky we pulled apart.

"I love you" are the first words he says to me.

I bite down on my lip, my cheeks hurting from all the smiling I've done in the past hour. "I love you more" I whisper back and he can't help but lean forward for a quick kiss again.

"Not possible baby," he mutters against my lips causing me to blush, Ivy Livia Knight does have a nice ring to it.

It sure does...


Word Count: 2765


Chile make sure to vote n comment so I can read em comments when I wake up tmr in the morning. Gn and byeee

Ish <3

Ish <3

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