Epilogue: Not Just The Side Character

Start from the beginning

Each of them all do their own thing as they sit and wait, some more active than others. Like Grace for example has been staring at the necklace Robin gave her the whole time, thinking about the night he saved her life by giving up his. She had been hoping for a chance to save him but instead wound up saving those random nobodies during her time in there.

She had even lost the ring she planned on giving to him, she let out a dry chuckle when she realized that she already asked to talk to him after this and now had no ring to show for. It will be an awkward conversation if she doesn't figure out what to say soon.

But the hope of having a conversation with him after this is quickly beginning to dwindle.

Dwindling hope is a similarity that each of the girls have right now, and even though Rachel is trying to reassure the Melissa that's laying in her lap by saying Robin will come back soon, she's beginning to question her own words.

This kind of dragging on despair can change a person in the moment, making them do things unlike them or reveal their true nature. Like a girl who had finally gotten to quitting a smoking addiction to start again, or one who rocks back and forth staring at a special photo that is only one of thousands.

Though grief changes them all now, this could possibly only be the beginning.

Because it is the aftermath that will truly define who they become.

But the aftermath of what exactly? Lots of things can become a catalyst to a person's change, but here that catalyst comes in the form of a boy's figure behind an orange barrier.

Grace: "That's Robin!" She exclaims, alerting the other girls immediately.

Wordlessly they all get up and dash to the well destroyed entrance, they had tried to break through the barrier which only accomplished making a larger window into the monster filled room. But because of that, they're all able to fit at the barrier wall to see inside.

And what they see isn't a pleasant sight.

They're only able to see him from behind, but that's enough to see how much damage has been done to him. Blood drips down his body from various wounds, he has a clear limp on one leg, his scarf and sword is no where to be seen, and he's missing an entire arm.

Only a few of the girls are able to suppress a pointless scream or calling his name, but dread fills them all when they see what he's facing. A horde of demons so thick that it looks like a giant sea of black.

They watch helplessly as Robin fires at the horde, standing his ground, steady as a rock, creating the illusion that he's completely control in the situation. At least, that's what the girls would like to think.

Then, after one last beam of mana, his gun files out of his hand. They watch him stare at his now empty hand for a moment then look towards the sea of monsters. They silently beg for him to keep fighting, to grab his gun and blast all of the monsters back to the hell where they belong.

Or at the very least, turn around so that they can see his face.

They watch with constricted breaths as Robin slowly begins stumbling backwards, until his back hits the barrier wall, and he slumps onto the floor, resting his head against the barrier. The girl's hearts stop for a moment, fearing the worst, but quickly notice him taking slow, shallow breaths.

Their fear quickly turns towards the still approaching monsters and they all now desperately begin to bang at the wall, begging Robin to get up. But as he seems to mumble to himself, it is clear that he cannot hear them, and they can do nothing about it.

Nothing except watch the one they all had loved, the one who had saved them one way or another, slowly die alone on the other side of the glass.

The reality of the situation brings them to tears once more.

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