Clowned 🤡ut

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[After Wayne and Wanda sign a deal for the werewolf family to be clowns in a circus, they instantly get popular.]

The werewolf family just finished grocery shopping, despite leaving most of the store a mess.

"AND NEVER COME BACK!" yelled the grocery store manager.

"If it was a monster grocery store they wouldn't mind," muttered Willie, crossing his arms.

"Well, forget the mess we made, humans are humans; they'll clean it up themselves," said Wayne. "We should get going back to the hearse-" Wayne suddenly stopped and stared at a poster, halting the whole werewolf family.

"Wayne, what are you doing?" asked Wanda angrily.

"Looking for clowns," moaned Wayne, giving the hearse keys to Wesley. "Wesley, take your brothers and sisters back to the hotel; Wanda and I gotta do this real quick."

"All right Dad, whatever you say!" smiled Wesley. "Come on, let's go the parking garage! Wait, do I even have a driver's license?"

Moments later...

"This doesn't look like a place where a circus would hire clowns!" growled Wanda.

"The circus isn't in town yet, that's why," said Wayne; a human named Christian came along holding a clipboard.

"Thank goodness, we were about to close! You're our only chance," shivered Christian. "Uh, do you have a family or something? Two clowns isn't-"

"We have 301 kids," stated Wayne; Christian's eyes widened. "Well, most of them live by themselves now; I'll say about 25 to 50 kids."

"Phew, 50 clowns is enough," sighed Christian, relived; he showed the werewolves a contract. "Sign here if you're willing to be apart of our circus."

"Should we do this honey? I'm not sure if it'll be okay with the kids," whimpered Wanda.

"They'll have fun," smirked Wayne, signing the contract.

The next night...

Wayne seemed eager in front of his friends.

"Why are you so happy?" asked Frank curiously.

"You don't know yet," said Wayne.

"Did you win the lottery?" questioned Murray; Wayne shook his head.

"Uh, are you going on vacation?" asked Frank; Wayne shook his head again.

"Guys... WE'RE GOING TO BE APART OF THE CIRCUS!" yipped Wayne; his friends ended up laughing instead.

"Your family... IN THE CIRCUS?! HA!" laughed Dracula; Wayne grumbled and showed Dracula a contract as his eyes widened.

"We'll be leaving for Bucharest tomorrow night," said Wayne.

The next night...

The werewolf family packed suitcases in a hearse.

"At least it'll be tidy and quiet for a while," said Ericka.

"We'll see you at your show Uncle Wayne and Aunt Wanda!" yelled Mavis.

"Thank you! We appreciate it!" smiled Wanda.


The werewolf family arrived at a giant circus tent.

"I bet we get to have tons of cotton candy!" yipped Wilbur; Christian came along smiling.

"Our new clowns, come in!" said Christian; Wayne suddenly saw Dennis and the monster dogs.

"Dennis?! What are you doing here with the dogs?!" growled Wayne; he glared at Winnie, assuming she snuck them in. "Winnie, why are they here?"

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