Monsters In London

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[After Ericka gets summoned into England, London will never be the same.]

It was 2:00 AM. Everyone was sleeping at Hotel Transylvania; Ericka and Dracula slept along with the werewolf pups until the phone rang. Ericka mistakenly took Sunny's baby bottle as she whined. "Huh?" Ericka asked as she got the phone. "Hello, are you Mrs. Dracula?" A stein named Argo asked in his British accent.

"Yes, why?" Ericka questioned, Sunny tried acquiring her bottle, but Ericka yanked it up. "I'm sorry to call so early in the morning, but your Kakiebot for the Kakie the Cake Monster Show has broken down and malfunctioned, and my boss is having a terrible fit," Argo explained. "Kakie's a hit? That's nice." Ericka chuckled; she was so tired that she misheard.

"You need to come to London on the next flight." Argo added. "Ah yes, the city of Big Ben." Ericka sighed. "Mr. Jekyll recommends-" Argo was cut off by the lights turning off.

"Come to England with my family and friends? Okey-dokey. Here you go, Sunny," Ericka smiled as she gave Sunny the phone to suck on. "Hello Mrs. Dracula?" Argo asked. "Hey Drac, we're going to England." Ericka chuckled. "Oh Ericka, I'm too tired to eat..." Dracula sighed, mishearing England as to eat.

Ericka and Dracula then realized something. "ENGLAND!?" Ericka and Dracula both yelped, waking up some of the other werewolf pups in the room. [A few hours later] It was nighttime; the monsters were getting packed up."We're going to England and you're not, and I've learned to labhair Gaeilge. Which for your informations means speak Irish." Quasimodo laughed at Abraham. "Braithim olc ar mhuintir Shasana a chloisfidh tú, slán leat!" Abraham giggled in Irish as Quasimodo grumbled in annoyance.

"No need to show off Abraham..." Quasimodo grumbled. [40 minutes later] The monsters were finally on the plane going to England. "Frankie, are you okay?" Wayne asked worriedly. "Sorry, just scared of plane flights." Frank shivered; the werewolf pups played with their toys; one of them dropped to the floor.

"Guess cake-a-phant thought she could fly." Winnie chuckled. "I've never been this high in the air before." Willie dropped, but some flight attendant accidentally stepped on Winnie's cake-a-phant. "Oh look, a toy that's already broken... Unfortunately, the Romanian Union forbids me from picking it up, that's a job for your mommy." The flight attendant grumbled as he walked away. "Someone got on the wrong side of the bread," Wanye growled in anger, crossing her furry arms.

"Let's play again." Wanye suggested, but Winnie stopped him. "No, let's not Wanye. We'll just see if they have any cake-a-plants at England." Winnie suggested. "Let's go ask Quasi if we could play with Esmeralda, I just saw him sneak behind that curtain over there." Dennis smiled, pointing.

[A few moments later] Quasimodo was listening to some music in the first-class area and was kicking a lady's seat repeatedly, which made her throw up. The werewolf pups and Dennis came along and unplugged Quasimodo's earbuds as they all smiled at him. "Hey, what's zee big idea?" questioned Quasimodo, in annoyance with his French accent. "Hi, Quasimodo." Winnie greeted. "Oh, for Pete's sake, can't ya see this is the no dumb monsters section?" Quasimodo grumbled. "Sorry, Quasi, we want to do something with your pet," Dennis stated.

"Apparently she's in the pet area..." Quasimodo sighed. "Maybe she needs a nap." Winnie whimpered. "Or a blanket..." Quasimodo added. "A blanket?" Winnie giggled. "Or cheese bites..." Quasimodo smirked. "And cheese bites?" Winnie asked. "Which seems to be at that place over there..." Quasimodo pointed.

"Okay, come on, you guys!" Dennis smiled. "Where are they going? There's a lot of neat stuff under here Wanye, like a hairy toothbrush, a potato chip." Willie chuckled, eating the chip. "Hey, someone must have lost their lunch." Wanye smiled as Willie giggled. Back with Winnie and Dennis, the kids went on some cart with a blanket and cheese bites, but it suddenly moved.

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