Nothing is what it seems

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Penelope was a face Josie never thought she'd see again, someone in your life that meant a lot but for one of them reasons had to leave. The fact she left Josie made things tough and now she was here again in Chicago wondering what the hell was going on. She didn't know why Josie was in danger or if the brunette even knew but as she was in the city, Penelope felt the need to track her down and help no matter what happened in the past or what was currently going on now.

"Look Josie I know you probably have a lot of questions but right now I need you to come with me. There's people looking for you and your not going to be safe here" Penelope knew it was going to be difficult for Josie to trust her right now but she hoped considering the current circumstances with her wanting to save the brunette she might think differently. Josie still looked in shock after seeing her ex has a vampire so the hesitation remained the same.

"Penelope it's not that simple I have my sister here, I have......Hope here. I can't just abandon them right now. It's my fault I'm in this situation in the first place, I never should have left the first time" Josie thinks back to when she hopped on that bus to go find Hope and being determined to bring her humanity back but ultimately that's what got her killed. She could understand why Hope would always say what she did about loving someone, it feels like a curse.

Both girls could hear footsteps so they both hid in the shadows where they hoped that they wouldn't be seen or heard. There was three guys looking for someone who in detail described Josie to a tea. The siphoner has had enough of someone trying to kill her just because of her connection to Hope. She felt more sorry for the Tribrid as this is what it must feel like being a Mikealson, having so many people wanting you dead just because of the name and the history they have.

There was a strange warmth of being in close contact with someone who meant so much and know that after all them years the feeling never went away. After the guys went away they both looked at each other with a little relief and separated from each other. "Look I'll come with you but I need to get back to my sister and Hope, they need to know that I'm safe though it's important they have their guard up" Penelope understands what Josie is trying to say but there was supernaturals swarming Chicago right now.

"Jo I understand, I really do but right now your safety is my main concern. Where your talking about going is like twenty minutes from here and there's no way we are getting through without being seen. We need to lay though and feeding on people in public needs to stop to as that's what will get there attention. I know a place we can go, that I've been staying in" Penelope offered her hand to Josie and after a few moments of thinking, she took the girls hand as they vamp speed from block to block until they reached inside the apartment.

The place was good, well looked after and had Penelope's touch on it. There was a artistic feel to this place and some culture which Josie liked but it had made her wonder what happened to her and how long her ex had been staying here. Josie takes a seat on one of the comfy beige chairs opposite Penelope with a glass table separating them. There was so questions she wanted answers to and now it seemed like a better time than any to them.

"So tell me Pen, how does one going from a witch and moving to a European school to then coming back all the way here in the states where your a heretic now?" Josie could see the different emotions showcasing on Penelope's face and wondered how much of a touchy subject it was bringing it up. The bottle of wine started to pour for both girls as Josie has received her glass of red.

"In this place I went to, it was purely just for witches and at first I thought it was a good place to be and my opinion I had on it grew as I met a girl. Her name was Ruby and we started to get to know each other better over time. With that being the case I found out she was a vampire but it didn't change my opinion of her. Being a vampire was something that was not tolerated in this place and she disguised it by being a heretic too. We had gotten to the point we were falling in love and she asked me if I wanted to turn with her and as we spoke about our options I agreed. When I turned I had problems controlling my blood lust and that's when the trouble started". Penelope had tears falling down her face as repeating these memories was something she wished she would never have to do. It was she first time she has talked about it with someone since it happened.

Josie moved a seat over as she was next to the girl who was crying and placed her hands in her own. She more than anyone understood the difficulties of love and how it impacted her and people around her. Penelope went on to speak: "With me losing control of my blood lust, I had fed on someone and the people in charge found out but I wasn't the one who got punished, it was Ruby and she ended up dead because of what I did. So I done the only thing I could and ran with what felt like years with my humanity off . Eventually it came back on after hearing some British tribe of werewolves talk about Hope Mikealsons blood bringing back a brunette siphoner and that's when I knew I had to come back and save the other girl in my life that I still love".

It was one thing to be speechless but it was another thing to be feeling what Josie was feeling right now as there was no words that comes to mind with this sort of stuff. She said the only thing she thought she could say right now. "I'm so sorry Penelope, I really am and I wish I could have been there to help you with what you were going through and in all honesty I wish you could have been there for me to but as much as I care about you, I can't....."

"It's okay Josie I know your heart belongs to Hope and I'm not trying to get in the way of that I promise. I just felt my humanity come back because of you and I wanted to help protect you because these people that are coming for you and for Hope is because of this whole blood line thing and I'm sure that Aurora did have something to do with it because I heard people saying that she took a sample for herself" Penelope didn't know exactly what it meant but she did know the red head had ties with other groups of supernaturals that were enemies of the Mikealsons.

Josie thought about it for a moment and wondered why she still had a anxious feeling there was more to this whole story than just people wanting to kill her and Hope because they would form this bond but then everything started to click and that's when she threw the glass at the wall. "No Penelope no....I need to find Hope now. I can't leave her vulnerable and in danger."

"Jo talk talk to me, what do you know?"

"I'm not the only one that came back to life, Aurora is too and she's not going to stop until we are all dead"

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