A Deal?

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Hope had no remorse for the violent acts and the hurtful words that were directed towards her family and friends. She was living her best life and when that happens something or pacifically someone was trying to get in the way of it. Hope had sensed the blonde from a little while back down the road and eventually ended into a alleyway where she knew the girl would follow.

"You know I expected this from the other twin but not you Lizzie" Hope said with a smirk and couldn't help but love the fact she was always two steps ahead. "Ohh come on now. I have enhanced hearing, of course I was going to notice you were following me. I am intrigued that your here actually"

Lizzie could hear the mockery from Hope and by now it really wasn't a surprise at this point. She had just about had enough with everything going. Her father in a coma and her sister has disappeared with just a little note left for her on one of the beds in their bedroom. "I don't want to be here with you any longer than you want to be here with me but despite everything, I actually need your help"

The thought of Lizzie coming to her asking for help was hilarious to her. After everything she has done, it seems like people just can't over the fact that she was the only one that could really solve most issues. "You need my help?.....this day keeps getting more and more interesting but please do tell, I have people to kill and if you don't get to the point, you'll be first on the list"

Hope seemed to love her threats and lately she did make promise on them so Lizzie knew that she couldn't beat around the bush with this one. "It's about Josie, she's left the school and I think she's going to end up hurt or worse. I know you care about her so if there is somehow some humanity left you, can you help me find her?"

A little fear and concern did reach Hope as it was unlike Josie to just leave with seemed to look like no explanation. It was the last thing she wanted right now as she was having fun and had a mission in place to kill Triad and Aurora.

"Why should Josie leaving the school have anything to do with me? If anything I don't blame her though I do hope that the werewolf mut didn't go with her" If it wasn't clear before that Hope had something against Finch, it definitely was now.

Lizzie rolled her eyes knowing Hope would react like this but could have sworn she saw some sort of emotion behind the wall that the Tribrid was holding up. "You should care because she went to find you I'm pretty sure as there is no other reason for Finch not to go with her and secondly she's been obsessed with you so yeah I'm guessing this has everything to do with you"

Hope let out a little chuckle as hearing little old Josie Saltzman obsessing over her was definitely the highlight of her day but as much as she wanted to think about the ways that would keep her entertained, she knew for once Lizzie was right. "Fine, I'll help you but if we are going on a little roadtrip to find the girl that is obsessing over me.....then we are doing things by my rules. Do we have a deal Barbie?"

Lizzie could kill Hope right now, well not really but she knew what she meant when she thought of that. "Okay Bitch we'll play by your rules if it means that I don't end up dead because you need me just as much as I need you to find her" The blonde looked at Hope and was doing her best to try read Hope until she didn't need to when the Tribrid starts to speak up. "I can't make no promises, just aslong as I play my music in the car. You don't touch the radio"

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