A Revengeful eyesight

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A picture could speak a thousand words and unfortunately for Lizzie she couldn't get any words out. Her breathing was quick and so far not very controllable as the thought of losing her father but possibly her sister aswell was getting too much. It was somewhat easy watching this kind of scenario play out on TV but in reality when you're the one it's happening to, the thought of it all becomes frightening.

Hope was finished with her meal though she was feeling generous today and let the girl live while making her forget everything that happened in the Alleyway. The Tribrid went over to the table that her road trip companion was currently sitting at. Things didn't seem quite right when she could the girls heartbeat going past, a little too fast as she sits down next to the blonde.

"Ohh come on Lizzie, I know I wasn't gone that long for you to be missing me already. Unless you wished it was you that was getting a little bite" Hope obviously didn't know the situation at hand in which caused Lizzie to be in tears and freaking out like she was. Thankfully she was about to find out when Lizzie unlocked her phone showing the message of Josie tied and looking in alot of danger.

Lizzie looked up to see Hope in who for the first time had real fear on her face. There was no snarky comment or little laugh from the girl she was sure had no humanity left in. This whole situation had gotten alot more serious than both girls were first anticipating which caused Lizzie to again for the second time do something she never thought she'd be doing. "After everything that's happened, I don't want to even think about you killing anyone but this changes things because they have someone very important to us wether you want to admit that or not but promise me you will help me kill who is ever responsible for taking her."


Hope barely felt any humanity in her and it was clear that there was only one girl maybe two at a push that could make it feel anything. She was pretty sure she knew who was behind this attack and they were going to suffer again by another Mikealson. "I promise whoever is behind this attack will die a very tragic death by the devil herself. A woman named Aurora is who I believe is behind this but why she took Josie is not making sense to me. Just know that this woman is going to wish that she stayed trapped all them years ago"

Lizzie was in agreement with Hope over something for once and even though Josie wasn't there with them, she was already helping them both form some sort of friendship again. Hope wiggled her keys infront of Lizzie as she looked to get going and wasting no time. "Okay Mikealson let's kill this bitch" The blonde says getting up and leaving money on the table for the chicken bites she didn't get to have as they made their way out the restaurant.

~ New Orleans ~

A city full of life, excitement, music and art seemed like it could never be somewhere responsible for so much death, fear and pain but here Josie was hanging feeling all them emotions. She felt as if she was likely to experience death by the psychotic woman that had her here.

She barely had any consciousness about what was going on right now. Josie couldn't any other than someone screaming as a innocent girl was chucked to the floor with Aurora showing herself again infront of the brunette. "Don't you find human life so.....boring, pointless and yeah really annoying. How about we play a game Josie, if you can speak then she lives"

Aurora was playing games and knew that Josie couldn't talk but found it so funny that this girl below was going to die which would only make the the brunette feel guilty. The red head girl starts to feed into the innocent girl as Josie watched on not being able to do anything to stop it.

The human in the room had died and just when Josie thought the torture would stop for a few moments she saw Aurora approach her and runs a hand over the side of her face. "It's okay. It looks like we have some visitors on the way and I know you know them very well. I only want to kill one of them. I wonder if you could guess who that is" There was a huge smirk on her face when she saw Josie start to tear up.

Aurora shows Josie a picture of Hope and Lizzie together at a little restaurant which was 15 miles from the current location they were stationed. It seemed Josie knew for sure who the bitch was wanting to kill and started to do everything she could to try get out of her captive state.

The tape was removed off Josie's mouth who wasn't short of words to say. "I swear if you touch a single hair on either of their heads I'll kill you myself. Just know that they will find me" Aurora listened to what what Josie had to say and was counting on them finding their way here. "Ohh come on Josie, I don't even think they will come for you. It looks like Lizzie and Hope seemed to having plenty of fun together if you know what I mean"

Josie got jealous at the thought of Lizzie trying to steal Hope from her and didn't know why she was letting the red head get to her as she spits on Aurora's face. "Bitch" It was all to funny for the girl torturing because she had picked up on a few things after watching them all at the school. "Careful Josie sounds like your jealous but that wouldn't be fair on poor old Finchy now would it?"

The Key to my Humanity. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя