Chapter 10: Alternate Dimensions

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Hee Do's POV

"No peeking!" Yi jin instructs. He covers my eyes with his hands. I can feel the excitement bubbling from Yi jin. We were walking up a long pathway that led us up a rather large hill. Trees and greenery surround us. I felt like I was walking through the entrance of an alternate, magical dimension. As we near the top of the hill, Yi jin covers my eyes and gently guides me to the next destination.

"Ooh, careful, there's a stone there. Don't trip." He says protectively.

"Are we almost there yet?" I ask him.

"Soon... Hang on... Just a bit more... Okay! Open your eyes!"

I open my eyes slowly with great anticipation.

"Wow..." I gasp in amazement at the beautiful sight before me. We're standing on top of a hill that has a small boat with the words '순임' painted on it. The location gives us an incredible vantage point of the sea shore below and the vast glorious sky. The setting sun has tinged the sky with a romantic pink shade that intertwines with hues of purple. There's a symphony of colours that make the sky picturesque, almost as if it were painted by the hands of an artist. The swabs of clouds beckon for me to reach out and touch them.

"This is beautiful... It's so beautiful." I exclaim as I feast my eyes on the most luxurious sights before my eyes.

"Isn't it!" Yi jin sounds very happy with himself. He stands behind me and wraps her arms around me.

"It's not fair that you got to live with this gorgeous view." I say.

"Oh? But you already have an even better view to look at no matter where you go." Yi jin says.

"I do? What is it?" I ask him as I look up at him. Yi jin gives me an adorable cheeky smile as he points to himself.

"Me." He answers.

"What?" I laugh and pretend to squirm to move out from his embrace. Yi jin continues to keep his arms wrapped around me.

"MY GIRLFRIEND IS THE PRETTIEST IN THE WORLD!" Yi jin throws his voice forward towards the vast space before us. He beams proudly and looks radiant. His voice gets carried in the wind and I almost fall down from laughing. The last rays of the day slide down his face and highlight the beautiful angles and contours of his face. I can't take my eyes off of him.
"I HAVE THE MOST HANDSOME GUY IN THE WHOLE WORLD! AND HE'S MY BOYFRIEND! BAEK YI JIN IS MINE!" I join along as I throw my declaration to the world before us.

"NA HEE DO, I LOVE YOU!" Yi jin declares loudly. My heart skips a beat. The purest feelings of love, joy and bliss spill in my heart and flow to every corner of my soul. It's indescribable.

"BAEK YI JIN, I LOVE YOU!" I shout back. Yi jin rests his cheek on my head. I don't need to look at him to know that he is smiling. Time stands still as we stand there, basking in the beauty of nature and our love for each other.


"Where are we going next?" I ask Yi jin. His eyes are bright with life. He looks so at ease, without a single care in the world. I love seeing him like this.

"Come on, I want to show you my favourite spot." Yi jin says and takes hold of my hand. We walk towards the majestic red lighthouse. The lighthouse lights up momentarily in a rhythmic pattern as night descends upon Pohang. In front of the red lighthouse is a walkway that meets the crystal clear waves of the sea. Yi jin sits down at the edge of the walkway.

"Sit down." He draws me down with him. We look out to the sea. In the far distance are numerous lights that resemble fireworks.

"Do you see those?" Yi jin points to the dazzling lights. "Those are lights from fishing boats."

"Wow, there's so many of them." I look in wonder. "It's so beautiful."

"Isn't it?" Yi jin agrees with me. "It's so simple, yet so beautiful." He says.

Yi jin turns to look at me. His eyes speak a thousand words. Precious words that speak of beautiful things. Every time I look into his eyes, I fall for him again and again.

"When I saw those lights, I thought to myself: Wah, I wish someone was here to share this magnificent sight with me." He leans closer towards me. There's an intense look in his eyes. The look of passion.

"And whenever I wished someone was here with me, you were the first person I thought of." Yi jin whispers and smiles. He's so close to me that his whisper is like a gentle stroke against my cheek.

"I always carried a bag of coins around with me and I would spend an hour there," Yi jin says, pointing to the nearby payphone. "Listening to the messages you sent to me."

My heart swoons.

"I'll show up before Full House Volume 15 comes out." I recite the message that Yi jin had sent to me.

"Oh?" Yi jin smiles with pleasant surprise as he recognizes the message.

"I ran out of coins listening to your message. I listened to it so much that I know it by heart now." I say softly. Yi jin looks at me with teary eyes.

He stands up and I follow him. Yi jin takes my hand in his and we walk towards the light house.

"See that light house?" Yi jin says, looking at the red lighthouse before us. "It guides ships back home safely." He turns to look at me. "In the same way, your message helped me navigate that rough patch of my life." Yi jin says sweetly.

"You gave me the courage to step back into the life that I was running away from. And I'll forever be grateful." Yi jin says with tears flooding his eyes. "Thank you for waiting for me."

"Thank you for coming back." I say. I lean forward and stand on my tippy toes. Gently, my lips touch the tears on Yi jin's face. His arms wrap around the lower end of my back as he gazes at me. He closes the space between us as his lips find mine. The emotions of longing that we've stored up for so long have burst out and are now soothed. There's a gentleness and yet, great passion to the rhythm of our movements. Our bodies move in a synchronized manner. 

They fit perfectly into each other, as if they were made for each other. 

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