Chapter 1: Reverse the Time

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Scene: Ep 16 at the bus stop, where Yi Jin and Hee Do are looking for each other

Yi Jin's POV

After endless running, I can hear the beating of my heart in my ears. I won't stop until I find her. Hee do ya... where are you? My throat feels raspy from thirst and every muscle in my body screams in exhaustion. Everything begs me to stop.

But I can't. I need to find her.

I'm in a delirious state when I see her standing there at the bus stop, next to my red luggage. My heart falls to my stomach and I stop in my tracks. The sight of her. A halo of light surrounds her and she exudes a beautiful rose aura.

I can't leave you. I could never.

Hee Do's POV

"Baek Yi jin... where are you?" I whisper under my breath. The world spins around me and every passing second feels like an eternity as I look for Yi jin. I stand protectively next to the red luggage that I recognise as his.

My eyes feel hot from the sting of tears.

"Na Hee do!" I hear him. I hear his voice. The voice that can soothe any storm in my heart. The voice that lifts my spirits until the seventh heaven.

I swirl around and see him running towards me. Our eyes lock and all I can see is him. His red-rimmed eyes. The sparkle in his eye. The absolute look of desperation etched on his face. As if it were a reflex, my feet lift off the ground and I sprint towards him.

The air is knocked out of my lungs when I collide into Yi jin. I bury my face in his chest and his arms spread protectively around me. With my cheek against his chest, I can feel the wild beating of his heart.

"Baek Yi jin..." I sob into his chest. The thought of our break up melts away, along with every voice of reason that tells me I should not be with him.

The thought of being without him is simply unthinkable.

"Yi jin... Yi jin..." I choke on his name and grab the fabric of his jacket. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for everything I said that day. I... I didn't mean any of it. I'm so sorry. I..." The apology rushes out of my lips as incoherent sentences that are interspersed with uncontrollable crying.

Yi jin holds my face in his hands and gently tilts my face to look at his. The beads of tears in his eyes slide down his cheek as he looks at me. The soft affection in his eye makes my heart melt. Yi jin gently wipes each tear away from my face.

"I'm sorry..." He whispers and looks at me longingly. "I'm sorry for being so busy and spending so much time away from you." Yi jin lets out a pained sigh. "I can't stand being away from you." He whispers.

"I'm sorry for not understanding you better..." I whisper.

"I love you." I say those words as if it were the most natural thing on earth. "I love you. I love you, Baek Yi jin." I say again.

Yi jin's eyes are the window to his soul. In that second, I see the glow in his eyes. It's as if someone has switched on the light after a long time of darkness. He looks at me like I'm the most precious thing in the world.

"I love you. I love you too." Yi jin answers with a smile and a shaky voice.

I place my hand on his chest, where his heart beats.

"No matter where you are... New york or Korea... Even if it's the furthest corner of the earth... I want to stay with you. I want to be with you." I whisper. Fear plays in the back of my head. What if he doesn't want me back. "Let's not break up. Never again." I plead.

A smile spreads across Yi jin's face. A smile of a thousand words and emotions: relief, love, affection, joy and passion.

Yi jin lowers his face towards mine and I close my eyes in response. His lips meet mine. Our lips lock. It's a familiar feeling and yet, a new feeling of passion at the same time. Yi jin's arms draw me deeper into his embrace as his lips press further into mine. The feeling of longing swells up within us, making me desperate for more. More of him. My hands slide up to the back of his neck and I close the distance between us.

When Yi jin draws away slowly, he rests his forehead on mine. The feelings of anxiety and desperation have been replaced by the soothing rivers of love and peace. He kisses my forehead softly.

"Why are you still crying?" Yi jin asks softly.

"I was so scared... I was so scared you wouldn't want me back." I say regrettably. The look in Yi jin's eyes softens.

"Pabo ya, there will never be a day where I stop thinking of you, where I stop longing for you." Yi jin says. I can't help but beam at him.

"I'll come back from New York as soon as I can." He promises with a more solemn, serious tone.

"I'll be waiting here." I reply happily.

New York

Yi Jin's POV

"Oh, Baek Yi jin, you're back." Sunbae greets me as I step into the correspondent office in New York. I peer around at the gloominess of the office.

"Yes, hello Sunbae." I greet him politely. I adjust the bag strap on my shoulder uncomfortably and take a deep breath before asking.

"Sunbae..." I start and realize I can't find the right words to speak my mind.

"What is it? You look like you have something on your mind. Just say it." Sunbae says as he raises an eyebrow. I clear my throat nervously before asking.

"I wanted to ask how long is this posting in New York." I say, peering at my shoes.

"Why? Is your family already nagging at you to make your way back?" Sunbae asks with a touch of sympathy in his voice.

I nod slightly.

"Mmm...I'd say it'll take about a year." He says and almost sounds sorry.

"I also miss my family, but I promise you, it gets easier. It gets better." Sunbae adds. The regret in his voice makes me wonder whether he really means it.

"Yi jin ah..." Sunbae starts. "I won't tell you that you made a bad decision by applying to New York. But what I can tell you is that you can, no, you should use this opportunity to rise in ranks. Show them how good a reporter you are. Show them. Give them the confidence and then rise in ranks." He says.

"Sunbae... I don't have such ambition. I just want to show the world the tragedy that is happening... so that-" I start but get cut off by Sunbae.

"I know. I know you have good intentions, Yi jin. But by rising in rank, you'll get more control over your working hours. You won't need to run to UBS everytime a senior person calls and demands that you come. You can have all that, while still being able to show the world the tragedy that happens." Sunbae places a hand on my shoulder as he speaks.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" He asks.

I nod. I will be able to reach a stage where I won't need to sacrifice Hee do.

"Yes, I understand."

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