Chapter 3: Beep Beep

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Yi Jin's POV

"Good job for today." Sunbae says.

"Thank you." I nod.

"A few of us are meeting for a couple of drinks tonight. You should join us." Sunbae says.

"Mmmm..." I mumble as I peer at the clock. "Sunbae, what time is it in Korea now?" I ask.

"Korean time? Umm, it's about 8.00pm." Sunbae says. "Why are you waiting for a call from home?" He asks.

"Yes." I smile and nod. "I'm sorry Sunbae, but I can't join you all tonight." I say.

"Aigoo, at least try to sound apologetic when you say that." Sunbae laughs jokingly. I can't seem to hide the smile on my face at the thought of calling Hee do.


"Ah... Why hasn't she called me yet..." I sigh as I stare at my lifeless phone that stares back at me. "Is she still at training?" I mumble to myself as I glance at the clock. "OH MY! What if something happened during training and SHE GOT INJURED?" I start panicking irrationally.

"Please! Please! Ring!" I coerce my phone.

Beep beep! Beep beep!

"Oh mo!" I exclaim with pleasant surprise when my phone actually starts to ring. "Hello? Baek Yi jin speaking." I answer.

"Baek Yi jin!" Hee do's excited voice comes through. It feels like she's reached through the phone and I'm refreshed by her presence.

"YA! Na Hee do! What time is it? It's so late!" I say jokingly. Hee do's laughter rings through the phone.

"I'm sorry. Coach made us do supplementary cardio. My legs are killing me..." Hee do sighs.

"Wah... it's really hard to be a gold medalist these days." I sigh.

"It can't be any easier than being a reporter. YA, Baek Yi jin, what time is it over there in New York? Why aren't you sleeping yet? Do you have another story to cover?" Hee do asks.

"No, I was waiting for you to call me." I say and immediately start blushing. Hee do laughs heartily in response.

"What? Aigoo, I wasn't expecting that sort of response." Hee do says, but clearly sounds ecstatic.

"Today, they managed to find more survivors." I say with a sigh of relief.

"Really? That's amazing!" Hee do says. "Baek Yi jin, you're amazing."

"Aye... It wasn't me. The rescue team has been working day and night. I just reported on what they did." I say, still smiling.

"That's a relief." Hee do says. "Yi jin ah," Hee do says.


"Yi jin ah," Hee do says again.

"Hm? What is it? What's on your mind?" I ask.

"It's nothing. I just miss saying your name. Yi jin. Yi jin ah. Baek Yi jin." Hee do says. Her words make my heart skip a beat.

"Me too. I miss you so much..." I whisper back. "Hee do ya, you know I saw a rainbow today."

"Oh? Really?" Hee do says.

"Yes, really." I smile. "In the midst of all this destruction, in the midst of this hell... rainbows can still appear. It reminded me of you."

"Oh?" Hee do asks.

"In the darkest moments of my life, you peaked through as a ray of light and then slowly, but surely you brought so much color into my life." I say. "You told me that I could be happy when it was just the two of us - those words were life to me."

The days of being chased down by debtors and worrying about the next day; the next step in life feel like a distant memory. In the presence of Hee do and her brightness, everything is okay.

"Yi jin ah, today I got scolded by the security guard." Hee do says.

"Oh? Why?" I ask.

"I turned the taps upside down while they sprayed water... and the whole thing came out." Hee do laughs heartily. "I miss you so much, my rainbow... I miss you so much. Everytime I see water taps I think about you." She whispers in a voice filled with warmth and affection.

Joy springs forth in my heart like blooming flowers as I recall the memory. The memory of bliss when Hee do and I played around the spraying water taps.

"REPORTER BAEK, ARE YOU THERE?" Someone calls from the door.

"Ah... what on earth?" I sigh.

"Is that your Sunbae?" Hee do asks.

"It is... I'm sorry Hee do ya... I have to go." I say, sounding despondent.

"Reporter Baek, go do a good job! Hwaiting!" Hee do says. "I'll be waiting to see you on TV."

"I love you." I say.

"Me too."


Hee do's POV

"NA HEE DO!" I hear Seung wan's voice as I step out of the training centre. It's the weekend so the team members are allowed to return home for the weekend.

"Oh! Seung wan!" I say excitedly when I see her. She waves and runs towards me excitedly.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, pleased to see her.

"I just finished my exams today!" Seung wan says excitedly.

"Really? Congratulations!" I congratulate her.

"You don't have anything on today right?" She asks.

"No, why?"

"Come and have a celebratory drink with me!" Seung wan says and winks.

"Deal! Let's go!" I exclaim as we skip off.


"Ah! That really hits the spot!" Seung wan exclaims with satisfaction as she downs a shot of soju.

"Ya! Ji Seung wan, slow down! Eat some food. You're going to get drunk at this rate." I laugh as I push the bowl of noodles towards her.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to drink while studying, but my mother wouldn't let me." Seung wan sighs.

"Was it very stressful?" I ask her. Seung wan shakes her head.

"Not really. You know me - nothing is too difficult for this top student." Seung wan says cheekily. "How about you? Has training been stressful for you?" She asks.

"Just a bit." I admit.

"But it's not as stressful as missing your boyfriend, isn't it?" Seung wan asks knowingly and pours me another glass of soju. I laugh at her response, but it is spot on.

"All my thoughts are Yi jin, Yi jin, Baek Yi jin." I sigh longingly. "I think I'm going crazy."

"Ya, pa bo, that's called being in love." Seung wan laughs.

"Sometimes during my training, I have half a mind to ditch everything and jump on the next flight to New York." I add.

"Here, drink up." Seung wan says as she refills my glass with more soju. "The alcohol will help."

Nodding, I shove down two shots and feel the burning sensation of alcohol run down my throat. Thoughts of Yi jin still fill my mind. I think about what he's doing now. I think about how admirable he is. I imagine the day he comes back to Korea and how I'll jump into his arms the moment he touches down.

"Ajumma, please give us two more bottles of soju!" Seung wan says as we polish off the alcohol at lighting speed. 

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